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Louisiana lic requirments


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ok guys

i am new here and im jumping thur the hoops of getting my lic, well all is going well taken my 90 hrs of classroom training , sat thur a report writing seminar, and have taken my national exam all is good , but next comes the 30 hrs dead training for a fee of 750.00 for 30 hrs what a crock actually attend 16 hrs and credit for 30 the instructor on the first day read the standard to us and ad libs so much bs about himself we did not even look at a thing , then here comes sunday same thing no training just looked around a old commercial building , then the next day we watched him inspect a home which he did not even do to the standard example heater in closet very easy to check asked him show us how u check a furnance he said just turn it on , i asked arent you going to take the covers off and inspect the chamber and burners he said that is not in the standard which is not true .

so you guys tell me what to do just dont say anything to the board or bring it up, I think it is a crying shame and a scam all this training and then trying to get a another guy to let me ride with him for 10 inspection when they dont even follow the standard them self

OK i think i got that off my chest ,,

Tell me what u think

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Hello Keith,

The performance of our State Board is so poor that you should not use 'State Approved CE Provider' or 'State Approved In-Field Trainer' as sole qualification to be your provider. Look to the 'Approved' providers to meet the State requirement but look to others to prepare you for your career.

I live 15 minutes from you. Contact my secretary and we'll chat over coffee.



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I know language is a bit more relaxed in Cajun country but I would recommend you look into some basic writing and spelling training before you generate any reports for clients.

Not all training is equal. Sounds like you are getting a less than satisfactory class. Don't know you background with regards to building knowledge, but you might be suprised at what you learn on the ridealongs.

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ok guys

i am new here and im jumping thur the hoops of getting my lic, well all is going well taken my 90 hrs of classroom training , sat thur a report writing seminar, and have taken my national exam all is good , but next comes the 30 hrs dead training for a fee of 750.00 for 30 hrs what a crock actually attend 16 hrs and credit for 30 the instructor on the first day read the standard to us and ad libs so much bs about himself we did not even look at a thing , then here comes sunday same thing no training just looked around a old commercial building , then the next day we watched him inspect a home which he did not even do to the standard example heater in closet very easy to check asked him show us how u check a furnance he said just turn it on , i asked arent you going to take the covers off and inspect the chamber and burners he said that is not in the standard which is not true .

so you guys tell me what to do just dont say anything to the board or bring it up, I think it is a crying shame and a scam all this training and then trying to get a another guy to let me ride with him for 10 inspection when they dont even follow the standard them self

OK i think i got that off my chest ,,

Tell me what u think

Sounds like a scam. Why don't you want to say anything to the board? These idiots are wasting your time & your money. Seems to me that the board would want to know about that sort of thing.

Try calling Sidney Chaisson in Baton Rouge for your in-field training. He's a smart fellow, a stand-up guy, & a gentleman.

Oh, yeah, I agree with everyone else that your writing sucks. You might want to get that fixed before hanging out your shingle.

Good luck.

- Jim Katen, Oregon

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Sounds like a scam. Why don't you want to say anything to the board? These idiots are wasting your time & your money. Seems to me that the board would want to know about that sort of thing.

Try calling Sidney Chaisson in Baton Rouge for your in-field training. He's a smart fellow, a stand-up guy, & a gentleman.

Oh, yeah, I agree with everyone else that your writing sucks. You might want to get that fixed before hanging out your shingle.

Good luck.

- Jim Katen, Oregon

The Board isn't scamming anyone here Jim. I approached them months ago and wrote them again recently about how poorly the CE program is structured. Judging from their response, I might as well not exist. The problem, I think, is that they have not the courage to attempt any original thinking, to break free from what the regulatory agencies of other states are doing, from what ASHI is doing and to advance in ways that are supported by common sense.

Sidney's fabulous. He came to me and made a recommendation 8 years ago that sent me halfway across the country to Mark Cramer for my 90 hrs of classroom training. I had help from a couple of top notch inspectors back then when I didn't know anything.


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Marc, Jim didn't say the board was scamming anyone, he said that the 30 hours of training sounded like a scam and asked why the inspector didn't just report it to the board.

Until you've sat on that board and tried to get something done, it would probably be a good idea to reserve comment about the "courage" of the board. Board work isn't easy; it's frustrating in fact. It seriously erodes time available to work on the stuff which pays the bills; and all it takes is enough people on the board to form a roadblock and, in order to ultimately just get part of what one is shooting for, one ultimately has to write, and re-write, and re-write stuff until everyone on the board will agree to it.

I agree with Jim, I think that the inspector should have reported the guy selling the 30 hours and only providing 16 to the board. Additionally, if it had been me I would have demanded a refund of at least half of the fee, since I only got half of the hours of training that I was supposed to get.



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The Board isn't scamming anyone here Jim. I approached them months ago and wrote them again recently about how poorly the CE program is structured. Judging from their response, I might as well not exist. The problem, I think, is that they have not the courage to attempt any original thinking, to break free from what the regulatory agencies of other states are doing, from what ASHI is doing and to advance in ways that are supported by common sense.

I'm not suggesting that the board is a scam, just the training that this poor fellow had to endure. The board needs to hear about it when idiot trainers are scamming people. Squeaky wheel & all that.

- Jim Katen, Oregon

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The Board isn't scamming anyone here Jim. I approached them months ago and wrote them again recently about how poorly the CE program is structured. Judging from their response, I might as well not exist. The problem, I think, is that they have not the courage to attempt any original thinking, to break free from what the regulatory agencies of other states are doing, from what ASHI is doing and to advance in ways that are supported by common sense.

I'm not suggesting that the board is a scam, just the training that this poor fellow had to endure. The board needs to hear about it when idiot trainers are scamming people. Squeaky wheel & all that.

- Jim Katen, Oregon

My bad.


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  • 5 months later...


I attended the last meeting of the Louisiana Home Inspector board. The board will be reviewing their requirements for training, the selecting of trainers and the documenting of the number of hours and the curriculum. An incident was brought before the board regarding an inspector/trainer having too many students, not fullfilling the required hours and false documentation.

The board revoked his license.

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