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Erby; I raise you all-in


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I tried all day yesterday; but couldn't get any response to this thread to work. It seems I can post really short responses only and that anything longer than about ten or eleven lines will not post. I could post my response in about 10 different segments, but that's just going to make it harder to read.

Go to http://www.masonryveneer.org and download or preview online their installation guides.



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Go to http://www.masonryveneer.org and download or preview online their installation guides.


The last several times I made the attempt to download their installation manual, I was timed out before any of it would load. Is there any chance that their new manual could be placed in the library?

Go here:


You'll find two versions, the web version & the print version. The print version is freakin' huge. Download the web version.

- Jim Katen, Oregon

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