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I recall a case where one guy walked under another who was on a ladder & holding a nail gun. It shot the nail into the top of his skull, fully set. He was also very lucky, as it went right between the halves of his brain and did no internal damage (as far as they could tell anyway). These sort of things let you know there's an angel with their hand over you occasionally.

Brian G.

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There was a guy here in the Lehigh Valley, maybe 6 or 8 years ago, who was doing remodeling work in a house at night. He accientally cut off his hand with a circular saw. The pain was so bad that he tried to commit suicide by shooting himself in the head several times with a nail gun. He survived.

I'm not making that up.

Joe Hancaviz

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Last week one of my tenants cut his hand off with a log splitter. He'd rigged a detent so that

when the splitter was activated it would cycle continuously, allowing him to split more wood

because he didn't have to grab the lever and hold it. His hand got caught on a log and he cut it

off just above the wrist. After 27 hours of surgery he now has his hand reattached

and is able to move his fingers. Incredible.

He was alone, tourniqueted his arm with his belt, grabbed his hand and made it quite a way

to his (my) house where a friend was, and had the friend drive him to the hospital 30 minutes away.

He has no insurance, makes his living as a tree surgeon and doesn't have much prospect of

ever returning to that profession. I've forgiven two months rent, but can't afford to let him

live there for free much longer than that.

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