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Where Did The Glass Window Go?


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The other day I walked out into my front porch.Totally enclosed with windows all around. All single pane and do not open. The few that do open have just a screen. I noticed some snow in one corner on the floor. Looked up to see the glass above was completely gone. No shards anywhere, inside or out. It was as if someone had cut out the window in one piece and walked away with it.

Any ideas on what could have happened?

The crystal ball is a little dim this morning!

My best SWAG is that it fell out and is outside the house buried in the snow and you will find it in the Spring....

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If I'm not mistaken, Chad's between Buffalo and Rochester. I recall Buffalo getting depths of 4' while the southside of Rochester seldom got more than 6", due to the 'lake effect'. It would occasionally melt down to the ground during season when I was a student there.


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Yep just what I said. I see no one has the slightest clue what could have happened to the window. You guys sure your real Home Inspectors? lololol

It's hard to take an anonymous poster too seriously. Sudden barometric pressure changes can send a poorly secured window pane sailing like a frisbee.

I'll describe a plausible scenario for you: Imagine that you were discussing something serious with a long time acquaintance and they interpreted something you said as sincere and valuable. I think many of us would agree that their gasp of astonishment would suck the pane from your porch even if you were standing the neighbor's driveway.

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Look at a neighbor's house for a freshly glazed windowpane.

I knew this kid once who was about 10 years old. He and his friends were screwing around having a B-B gun fight in the back yard one summer day when someone's stray shot took out a window on the porch. His Dad had told him that if he caught him "screwing around" and shooting that B-B gun that he'd gotten for Christmas at anything other than legitimate "targets" he was going to take it away.

He just knew that if his Dad had known that they'd been having an actual B-B gun fight with those things in the back yard that, in addition to losing his treasured Daisy, B-B welts weren't the only kind of welts he was going to have that night.

He didn't have enough time to walk the mile to town to the hardware store and get a piece of glass cut and be able to get home and replace the window before his Mom came home from work; so he was inspired to go out-of-the box for a solution. His Dad was a contractor, so there were lots of tools around and lots of Dap glazing putty. He grabbed one of his Dad's folding rules from the tools in the shed and measured the window frame. Then he grabbed a utility knife and high-tailed it over to the back porch of a neighbor's house. He knew that the widowed neighbor worked and lived alone. Then, with the whole group watching him work, he measured the windows of her 3-season porch at the back of the house and found they were the same size. He then deftly cut away all of the old dried glazing putty, pulled the points and then removed a like-sized pane of glass from one of the porch windows. He was careful to clean up every speck of putty and take the points, so that it wasn't obvious that the glass had been "removed." Lastly, he reached in through the window and adjusted the position of a wicker chair so that it shielded the glass from the doorway into the house.

The whole group then trouped back over to his house and everyone watched as he cut out the old glass, pulled the points, reinstalled the points, expertly puttied the window (His Dad had taught him how), cleaned up the slivers of glass inside the porch and cleaned the window so that nobody would notice the greasy fingerprints left by the linseed oil contained in the Dap.

"What about painting it to match?" asked one of the boys. "I can't paint it now; the putty is too wet," he replied,"I'll have to wait a few weeks for it to dry out. I think we'll be OK, my Mom isn't likely to come back here and my Dad only comes back here if he's the one mowing the lawn. It's summer and I'm mowing the lawn this time of year."

Neither of his parents ever knew what had happened. A few weeks later, just before school was about to start, he got some primer and paint, painted the now-dried glazing to match the mullions and all was back to normal. It wasn't until mid-October that the widowed neighbor called his father to come over and replace a pane of glass that had mysteriously gone missing from her porch.



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You little delinquent!

Yeah, that was the start of that kid's career as a delinquent.

After that, every home in town where someone went on vacation (As announced in Betty Toomes' local newspaper column "Around the Town") became the "gang's" target; and liquor cabinets and refrigerators all over town started losing contents. Every once in a while a piece of furniture or an extension cord or a shovel or some phonograph records or an old radio or record player from an attic would go missing.

At the same time, on the second floor of an old abandoned hotel that used to be a summer destination for city folk back before the hurricane of '55 broke the dam and Lake Amenia drained into history, a hotel room was being turned into a clubhouse complete with power - courtesy of about a dozen extension cords tied together and buried between the window of that room and Ed Young's barn.

They had everything that a bunch of greedy kids might want, sporting equipment, music, bikes, even an old refrigerator stocked with beer and soda and a ton of goodies. The windows were painted black from the inside so that even after dark when fall came and it started getting dark early they could hang out.

They lived the life of Reilly for about a year and a half until one of them was picked up by the County Sheriff's for some dumb act of vandalism. Thinking that he was being picked up for the gang's spree, he sang like a bird and heaped the whole thing on the rest of 'em - especially on the kid who was so good at getting in and out without leaving any obvious trace that they'd ever been there. The deputy that picked that kid up just sat their listening and taking notes and couldn't believe what he was hearing.

A day later the kid whose father was a contractor had just gotten home from school when there was a knock at the front door - a County Sheriff's detective accompanied by a uniformed deputy had come to call. The boy's older sister, upon hearing the reason for the visit, couldn't believe her good fortune; the little turd was finally going to get "his." She picked up the phone and called her Mom at work and within fifteen minutes his mother was home.

The detective then began his questioning. Soon it became apparent to the kid that the detective had done his homework because he knew about every house, in order, and what had been ....appropriated for the club. He had an inventory of all of the stuff at the clubhouse as well as a complete list of who the stuff belonged to. The kid knew there wasn't any sense in lying; so he answered the detective's questions truthfully. About 3/4 of the way through the interval the door burst open and his Dad walked in. His Dad had heard only about half of the kid's explanation when he grabbed the kid and headed for the shed while unbuckling his belt.

The uniformed deputy stepped in, "Sir, you don't want to do that. If you do, I'll have to take you in," the father stopped, looked at the deputy, let the kid go and sat down, three shades of red and looking like he was going to explode. The kid hoped they'd haul him off to jail when they left. No such luck. The belt got its exercise later after the police had left.

A couple of months later the kid made an appearance before a local justice of the peace who gave the kid probation. "Your Honor, I want him in reform school," fumed the father. The J.P. said, "If you want him in reform school, b]you[/b] put him there; I'm not putting an 11-year old in reform school. "Well, you can bet you ass I'm gonna," said the kid's father.

That was the end of the kid's delinquent career; he was grounded, permanently, after that and "sentenced" to work for his father every afternoon after school, every weekend, every holiday, every summer vacation, until he was 18 or out of high school, whichever came first.

Now you know the rest of the story.



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