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The insulation in the attic was exposed because of leaking during the winter rains. The date of construction was about 1970 and the brand of the insulation is PREMIUM BRAND High Density BUILDING INSULATION. It is in large batts (cut to 3 or 4 feet in length and 3" thick) with an Indian Head Symbol on them.

The actual material inside is dark grey or black in color and looks like cotton in consistency and texture. Do you or anyone reading this article know if this insulation is dangerous in anyway as it has been exposed by the rains.

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The insulation in the attic was exposed because of leaking during the winter rains. The date of construction was about 1970 and the brand of the insulation is PREMIUM BRAND High Density BUILDING INSULATION. It is in large batts (cut to 3 or 4 feet in length and 3" thick) with an Indian Head Symbol on them.

The actual material inside is dark grey or black in color and looks like cotton in consistency and texture. Do you or anyone reading this article know if this insulation is dangerous in anyway as it has been exposed by the rains.

It sounds like rock wool. In the other 49 states it's completely harmless, but in California, I'm sure that it causes cancer, brain damage, and loss of libido. Also, the indian head symbol is demeaning. You should definitely sue someone.

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It's just mineral wool or "rock" wool or "slag" wool as it's called in the trades. It's made from the slag left over after iron is smelted. It's no more dangerous to you than fiberglass.

Oh wait, I just noticed, you are in La-La Land. According to the stickers I regularly see on furnaces, fiberglass insulation causes cancer in California so maybe rockwool causes cancer in California too.

ASHRAE conducted an extensive study, the results of which were published about a decade ago, and found no evidence that Fiberglass causes cancer. Nevertheless, Californians apparently have a different physiology from the rest of us and it does cause cancer there, so maybe rockwool will cause your arms or legs to fall off.



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It sounds like rock wool. In the other 49 states it's completely harmless, but in California, I'm sure that it causes cancer, brain damage, and loss of libido. Also, the indian head symbol is demeaning. You should definitely sue someone.


Jim.... your sense of humor is a breath of fresh air in this PC world, thanks for my daily laugh!!

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  • 9 years later...

We purchased a lake cabin and are starting to renovate the bedrooms. I pulled away a plywood panel to expose black sheets of insulation. After doing some digging - I have settled on the fact that the insulation is rockwool from the 60s (premium brand with the Indian head logo) Each panel of insulation is wrapped in kraft paper but the paper is almost totally black where the insulation meets the interior wall. The other side of the insulation that faces the exterior of the house looks like almost-new, brown, Kraft paper. Is there anyone who can explain why it looks this way? I originally had mold on the brain to explain this - but everything I read says rockwool is resistant to mold. 


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