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Burbling, spitting Cat IV flue

Richard Moore

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So I'm out walking my dog this morning and as I'm passing by the side of a house on a corner lot I hear weird burbling noises coming from the cat iv flue termination. It sounds like the underwater exhaust on a boat. I can see over the fence and clearly see water being occasionally ejected from the standard PVC snorkel. This is in my neighborhood but still far enough away that I don't know these people or the house. No one in the yard and I didn't feel like cold calling at the door, especially with a 100lb mutt. I also don't want to appear to be soliciting so I came up with the following which I'm going to mail to the "occupants" in the morning.


You don’t know me and I’m a little hesitant to stick my nose, unasked, into other peoples’ business but, on the other hand, I can’t just ignore this. So…

I was out walking my dog today and our path happened to take us down 67th, right next to your house. As we were passing I noticed that your high efficiency furnace exhaust vent was making unusual “burblingâ€

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Trim it to 4 short sentences. I don't think normal folks would follow the detailed explanation or read past your 3rd sentence.

"I'm a home home inspector and notice stuff that's wrong with houses. When I walk my dog by your house, it's obvious your furnace exhaust is really messed up and it could be dangerous to you and your family. At the very least, it could ruin your expensive furnace. I strongly suggest you have an experienced heating contractor look at it right away and get it fixed.

Call me if you or your heating contractor have any questions.


Your concerned neighbor, Richard the inspector".

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Trim it to 4 short sentences. I don't think normal folks would follow the detailed explanation or read past your 3rd sentence.

"I'm a home home inspector and notice stuff that's wrong with houses. When I walk my dog by your house, it's obvious your furnace exhaust is really messed up and it could be dangerous to you and your family. At the very least, it could ruin your expensive furnace. I strongly suggest you have an experienced heating contractor look at it right away and get it fixed.

Call me if you or your heating contractor have any questions.


Your concerned neighbor, Richard the inspector".

That's perfect.

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Wow! All Gurus. :)

Bill's is good but a little strong on the "I'm a home inspector" bit. Yeah, mine's a bit wordy but it does sound more like me. I also would rather not get involved beyond making them aware, so I'm not including my phone number or company info.

This home wasn't on one of my normal dog walking routes. I had booked a new construction inspection last night that had no listing and decided that the 5 mile round trip was just right for a good stroll to check for ladder needs.

Anyway, the original is now in an envelope, addressed, sealed and stamped. I'm comfortable enough that it fulfills my civic duty and think I'll just stick with that.

Thanks guys!

BTW...still smoke free (almost 4 weeks now). Probably because of that, the weight loss has stalled a bit (now around 30lbs) but at least I'm not putting it back on.

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Great! The mention of burbling sounds is something that the homeowner can quickly and personally verify which then validates to him your honest intent.

I'd be surprised if he didn't get back to you later.


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Maybe things are different on the west coast, but writing a letter seems kind of ridiculous. I would have just gone to the door and said "I'm sorry to bother you, but I was walking down the sidewalk and couldn't help but notice .......

If I were the homeowner, I think I'd receive the info better coming directly from the person rather than in a letter.

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