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Anyone take the latest ASHI survey? Why on earth is there a thought about changing the logo?

I was going to cut and paste a few of the questions here but thought better of it...

Howard Hanna, the largest realtor chain here, knows what the ASHI logo means. Why create a new logo and go through a re-education process. If your trying to "brand" why go through the exercise of changing your brand?

Also the thought of no more ASHI Associate/Candidate rank? Has membership dropped off that much?

If it ain't broke, fiddle with it till it breaks, then try to put it back to the way it was to begin with.

Oy vey [:-censore



I agree with you. The survey was not very good (poorly constructed).

I won't be critical of it in public and have found trying to discuss it on the other board is a waste of time.


I'll be critical of it.....I couldn't even finish it, it was that stupid.

The boys and girls of the ASHI BOD come up with ideas for increasing membership; the logo shenanigans are some ideas for doing that, near as I can tell.


A new gold logo - perhaps with perimeter, flashing, LED lighting.


" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="344">

Not too be to demeaning but what is needed is steady helmsman-ship and not knee jerk reactions.

We're in a downturn and the numbers are off. Much like in nature when the food source starts to dwindle so does the rest of the chain. It is what it is.

Let's not forget 1985 when Coke was re-formulated. They had done all kinds of market testing that showed people preferred the taste of the new formula yet the backlash was so huge and the sales so poor that they had to re-introduce the previous formula only 79 days after removing it from the shelves.

Hang tough - we're all trying to make it through but don't bastardize the system with parlor tricks, smoke, mirrors and a shiny new paint job.



I agree with you. The survey was not very good (poorly constructed).

I won't be critical of it in public and have found trying to discuss it on the other board is a waste of time.

Shoot me a PM with the link if you would Les.



Hi all, not to debate the survey on this board but the committee that I chair for ASHI is responsible for the survey. Give me a call or email and I will fill you and try and answer your questions.

scott@traceinspections.com is my email or 615-870-4162 is my cell.

If you do not know already, the ASHI logo for the ACI Member of ASHI has already changed.

This is the ACI logo and what ACI members should use:

Click to Enlarge

7.15 KB

This is still the ASHI logo and if you love it you can still use it. It is still the logo that ASHI National will use:

Click to Enlarge

4.17 KB


I guess I can't get over the idea that folks think this is important.

Do folks think that anyone outside our profession cares even a little bit?

Does anyone else find the idea of dual logos confusing at best?

Is there enough money in the treasury to educate the public why there are dual logos?

This all goes to very bad organizational modeling. You can't design an organization all wrong and think it's going to work right.


This is the ACI logo and what ACI members should use:

Click to Enlarge

7.15 KB

Hmm, what comes to mind when I see that?

It sure seems like we're chasing Nick's tail (yet again).

Click to Enlarge

12.3 KB


I guess I can't get over the idea that folks think this is important.

Do folks think that anyone outside our profession cares even a little bit?

Does anyone else find the idea of dual logos confusing at best?

Is there enough money in the treasury to educate the public why there are dual logos?

This all goes to very bad organizational modeling. You can't design an organization all wrong and think it's going to work right.

As usual, you are right on point Kurt.

As an outsider (former ASHI member-originally joined in 1981) I am still amazed at how the organization's leadership thinks any of this stuff really makes a difference to anyone outside of their small circle of ASHI members.

Nobody has asked me about ASHI since licensing became a requirement in New Jersey.


Which logo are the ASHI Candidates using?

Candidate? There's no such designation any more. Now, Associate is the entry level classification. What an improvement!

I don't know what logo an Associate would use.


Silly to have 3 different levels. It is hard enough for those inside ASHI to track the meaningless levels. Why anyone outside ASHI would care is beyond me.

At most there should be 2 levels. Member and Certified. The new gold certified logo is snazy but as already mentioned seems to be a copycat of the the other club.

If ASHI is all that and more, than they need to raise the bar in minimun education. The SOP is already the de rigur national standard. Radon and Thermal Imaging are loose and free. Develop a SOP for each of those disiplines.


The SOP is already the de rigur national standard. Radon and Thermal Imaging are loose and free. Develop a SOP for each of those disciplines.

Sorry to disagree with my esteemed North Carolina colleague, but I think you're wrong.

When our board was trying to decide which SOP to use, we found that in unlicensed states, and in licensed states that don't specify the current ASHI SOP or an older version of it as mandatory, inspectors were using SOP's from opposing associations, or no SOP at about the same percentages that they were using the ASHI standard.

In order to be able to have a legally enforcible law we felt that we needed a single consistent standard that didn't favor any organization over others and we opted to develop our own SOP.

Our SOP borrows elements of all other SOP's but when we did a side-by-side comparison of the SOP's off all of the "national" models we found that, compared to some, the ASHI SOP is a weaker document. It was our consensus that of the association SOP's the one that was the most fair to consumers and to inspectors was the NAHI SOP.

The associations need to get over themselves and stop crowing about who is best and simply focus on what they can do better than anyone else - provide education to inspectors. If the associations were to stop bickering about who is better than the other and simply focus on educating inspectors to the most stringent and most current practices the whole profession would benefit.

I agree with the others, a logo change means nothing to anyone who is not an inspector. In more than 15 years I've never relied on a logo of any sort and my business never suffered for it. I can count on two hands the number of times in 15 years that someone has asked me if I belonged to any specific association.




I agree that the logo's and whatever else means doodly squat to anyone outside of ASHI and truth be known to what I would estimate to be about 30% of the members in ASHI. I think that the same can be said with most membership organizations. It is all about internal preoccupation.

I really do think that ASHI needs to revamp their membership categories to be more reflective of the profession and the changes that have occurred in it and to it over the past 10-15 years. Anyway, I'm just a foot soldier that is providing information to those that have the power to make the changes. Personally I would love to see one level of membership that requires the NHIE or a State equivalent exam before a person could join.


Which logo are the ASHI Candidates using?

Candidate? There's no such designation any more. Now, Associate is the entry level classification. What an improvement!

I don't know what logo an Associate would use.

They can only use a logo if they are an Associate with Logo use privileges. Basically that is a member who has 50+ inspections and has completed everything but their 250 inspections. It is the black ASHI logo with Associate under it. I think ASHI has around 140 Associates with logo use and around 2500 Associates that can not use any logo.


This is the ACI logo and what ACI members should use:

Click to Enlarge

7.15 KB

Hmm, what comes to mind when I see that?

It sure seems like we're chasing Nick's tail (yet again).

Click to Enlarge

12.3 KB

I took the survey. The whole logo thing is silliness and pointless. I made comments to that effect in the survey I basically brushed the whole thing behind me until I saw this.

That's really pathetic. The folks that designed the new logo didn't check InterNACHI's logo?!

Dumb. Really dumb.



I was perusing the real estate services section of our local Graigslist and came across what us CAI "branded" Inspectors are up against in this non-licensed state.

"$220 Home Inspection (Summit/Stark/Portage/Medina/Wayne)"

"License info: University of Akron/AHIT Certified Master Home"

ASHI is going to have to start a University to license us, not just "brand" us, so that we can keep up.


"$220 Home Inspection (Summit/Stark/Portage/Medina/Wayne)"

"License info: University of Akron/AHIT Certified Master Home"

ASHI is going to have to start a University to license us, not just "brand" us, so that we can keep up.

I love the license info part. I was licensed through Whatsamatter U.


Consider what TREC did for new Texas-licensed HIs this past year ...

They "lowered" the required percentage to pass the exam for your license.

It was due to lobbying from the "schools" and some Texas legislature with un-intended consequences that was about to shut down almost all the schools as their graduates were not passing the exam the 'first time'.

So ... TREC's fix for the problem was to "lower" the bar to get the license.


I don't have a logo. Can I get a gold circle too? Can I, can I, huh?

If I was paying for that kind of silliness, I think I'd demand a refund. And to think, I was considering removing 'Independent Inspector' from my marketing material.


I guess I can't get over the idea that folks think this is important.

Do folks think that anyone outside our profession cares even a little bit?

Does anyone else find the idea of dual logos confusing at best?

Is there enough money in the treasury to educate the public why there are dual logos?

This all goes to very bad organizational modeling. You can't design an organization all wrong and think it's going to work right.

As usual, you are right on point Kurt.

As an outsider (former ASHI member-originally joined in 1981) I am still amazed at how the organization's leadership thinks any of this stuff really makes a difference to anyone outside of their small circle of ASHI members.

Nobody has asked me about ASHI since licensing became a requirement in New Jersey.



I like the new gold logo. The clear text of "Certified Inspector" will suffice for anyone who asks "are you certified?" I suggested they slip the word "Master" in there. Perhaps "Master Certified Inspector"

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