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cable guys

John Dirks Jr

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Nice find, John. Yeah, your French is terrible. That must have been tricky feeding the cable in and out like that. Very skillful.

I drilled a pilot hole for the guy from inside the house that came out just under the lower edge of a siding plank.

Easy to hide and caulk, I thought. He shoved his big old drill in there and came out in the dead center of the plank. Beauty!! [:-dunce]

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Imagine his surprise when he carefully drilled a hole in the mortar of my brick facade, through the sheathing about two or three inches above the ground on the front of my home, missed the sill by 1/4 inch and water came pouring out.

The twit drilled the copper water main running the length of the sill from entry to kitchen.

He was glad I wasn't home!

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