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Word or PDF Sample Website Report

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I was having problems with my picts in PDF formats, so I now send reports as protected MSWord documents. Picts are much better quality. Regardless:

On my website, my sample reports are PDF formats, but twice now recently clients indicated they couldn't open the sample reports. I can, my wife can on her computer, but anyway, I changed the website reports to protected Word docs. Anybody see potential problems with that? As always, thanks for any advice.

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My Emailed PDF reports are between 3/4 and 2 MB. Hasn't ever been a problem.

Every couple months, a client can't open the Adobe PDF package. Problem was solved when they either switched from Apple to MS or downloaded the latest version of Adobe Reader.


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I routinely send out 4-6MB .pdf reports; lots of pictures. Zero questions or problems related to delivery or opening reports in >15 years.

This isn't intended to open the debate, but doing anything in Word has always guaranteed problems in my world.

I realize this doesn't solve anyone's problems......it's only intended to propose that the underlying engines are what causes problems, not formats or pictures.

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Folks will wait to download their own personal report. Will potential clients wait to download an online sample, when clicking through several HI web sites?

You might be surprised just how many folks still do not have high speed internet. The dark green in the map shows the areas of available broadband.

Click to Enlarge


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I agree with Kurt, it has to do with your PDF engine.

I had a problem delivering reports a few months ago. I had two that took several tries to send. Turns out PDFCreator makes big documents, and my mail server has a 10mb size limit that is actually a whole lot closer to 9mb.

Changing only my PDF converter I halved the document size, improved the appearance, and fixed the glitches. So far the embedded PDF engine in Word 2010, Windows 7 is working flawlessly. (Do we have a fingers crossed smiley?)

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