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Damn the torpedos, full speed ahead


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As many of you know, I'm a Construction Admin for a medium sized A/E firm. We focus on hospitals and assisted livings, but we also take on other stuff that comes our way.

The photos are of a chain store which we do, and I will not identify, nor the location.

This is not high voltage, it is cable tv and phone. There is some snag with those two utility companies, and they CLEARLY need to get their stuff moved. The Contractor notified them months ago, when footings weren't even in place. Eventually the Contractor just said "Screw you guys, we're putting up the building".

Can you believe it?




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It's a Federal crime to knowingly cut a communication line. Problem is the FEDs don't enforce it. Why, because if they win, the money goes to the Telecommunication Companies. Why spend tax dollars to enrich these companies? Telcos do win in civil court however, but damages are limited to the cost of repair.

Looks like the poles are on the bildings property...... give you any ideas?

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Ridiculous. If I were running the construction I think I would've tried the courts myself, to make the jerks get going. I don't know if that would work, but I'd try it before I built the frickin' building around the wires.

Brian G.

It's Nothing a Good Crane Accident Couldn't Cure [:-mean][:-mischie

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Not sure I totally follow your question, so here's a scan of the parapet wall detail.

We don't get so specific as to call out mechanical fastener spacings on the flashing.

That's a "manufacturer's recommendation" type thing.

Sorry the file size is so large.

The elevation of the flashing is not quite the same, because this scan is from a different (but similar) store.


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Originally posted by Konrad


Not sure I totally follow your question, so here's a scan of the parapet wall detail.

We don't get so specific as to call out mechanical fastener spacings on the flashing.

That's a "manufacturer's recommendation" type thing.

I've seen them slip down the wall if they're not fastened to the wall. The coping might hold it in place.

Actually, in my neck of the woods, it would be a code thing, as the code says you shall install roof coverings in compliance with the manufacturer's specifications.

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