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Inspection Reporting Survey Results

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If you monitor any of the LinkedIn groups you may know that we conducted a survey of home inspectors on their inspection reporting practices. I see some questions on some of the same topics we surveyed. The survey results are being released in three parts with the first two parts already released. They are accessible at [homehubzone.com/srh] If you download the first two, you will be notified when the third one is available. We are also currently analyzing survey results from realtors. It's all so enlightening.

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If you monitor any of the LinkedIn groups you may know that we conducted a survey of home inspectors on their inspection reporting practices. I see some questions on some of the same topics we surveyed. The survey results are being released in three parts with the first two parts already released. They are accessible at (link deleted). If you download the first two, you will be notified when the third one is available. We are also currently analyzing survey results from realtors. It's all so enlightening.

It's also all so sales oriented, I took out your link. If you'd like to advertise your home inspection software here, you're welcome to pay for the privilege.

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If you monitor any of the LinkedIn groups you may know that we conducted a survey of home inspectors on their inspection reporting practices. I see some questions on some of the same topics we surveyed. The survey results are being released in three parts with the first two parts already released. They are accessible at (link deleted). If you download the first two, you will be notified when the third one is available. We are also currently analyzing survey results from realtors. It's all so enlightening.

It's also all so sales oriented, I took out your link. If you'd like to advertise your home inspection software here, you're welcome to pay for the privilege.

As usual, Kurt is being too kind. The survey was crap and I regretted taking the time to read the questions.

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I respect your opinion and am sorry you feel that the survey was sub-standard. It is a common survey to understand the standards of an industry. I found the results interesting and in comparison to the results that I am currently analyzing on the realtor survey even more interesting. Surveys help us confirm what we thought or give us insight into other ideas. Based on all the inspectors I have met, I believe your audience is curious enough that they would be interested in the results.

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I respect your opinion and am sorry you feel that the survey was sub-standard. It is a common survey to understand the standards of an industry....

I was the sole HI to offer testimony to a State legislative committee last year on a Bill intended to make a significant improvement in the service rendered by home inspectors. It eventually passed both chambers unanimously and became law, setting a precedent throughout the USA, but not without a big fight from every other HI that testified. One of their arguments was that the proposal was against the current standards! They were so focused on 'current standards' that their minds couldn't see that this was a legislative process whose purpose was to improve the standards.

So do pardon me if I don't indicate much interest in 'current standards'.


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I respect your opinion and am sorry you feel that the survey was sub-standard. It is a common survey to understand the standards of an industry. I found the results interesting and in comparison to the results that I am currently analyzing on the realtor survey even more interesting. Surveys help us confirm what we thought or give us insight into other ideas. Based on all the inspectors I have met, I believe your audience is curious enough that they would be interested in the results.

Not curious enough to fill out your form with my contact info.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Lots of luck needed... market research and saturation would have been better than luck tho... way before this anyway...

Gentlemen, Start Your Engines!

We are officially off the ground and running. We have raised our first round of funding and have 7 people diligently working on building our solution.

If not BS ... sad really...


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