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Safety & liability inspections


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An insurance company contacted me and wanted me to do safety and liability inspections only for them. It is and inspection to evaluate a home or business strictly to find safety and liability issues and report them. We got to the topic of fees, I was unclear of what to charge.
What fee should I be charging? I was thinking are the $250 range? Any suggestions would be helpful.

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I agree with Jim K. 

I would be surprised if you could get 250 for a usual insurance inspection.  Where are you located?  Here in Mid-Michigan they pay only $100+-.  

We do not do them, but would if it kept beans and bacon on the table. 


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I've never done insurance inspections- around here they don't pay. I've done other things though, that at first glance, didn't seem like real money makers but turned out to be profitable. I found it's about having enough time to complete the task so that you can group a bunch of small jobs into one day or weekend. I did quality control inspections for a solar company that paid $350 each- usually with a lot of driving. I could stuff 12-14 into a weekend and get to spend quality time with my dog.  

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We bought a house last year.  The insurance inspector contacted me three times by email (no phone call, no letter, just email).  I deleted the first two emails because they were one poorly written, non-punctuated sentence asking for an inspection.  No mention of the company or any credentials.

Turns out the barely literate inspector was being paid a whopping $27 to come and "inspect" our house.  He promptly reported that we have two unlisted wood stoves in the house and flagged our policy for cancellation.  One phone call and two pictures of the data plates on our brand new, permitted wood stoves solved that problem.

Long story short; if that's what they're paying, it's no wonder the inspector was so bad.  I'd rather flip burgers than be associated with that type of work.

Edited by Tom Breslawski
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