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Wadsworth panels


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Does anyone have any anecdotal stuff about Wadsworth Entrance Panels? I guess I know the normal stuff, but can't seem to find anything really negative.

I picked up a case this am from an atty's office where the "inspector" wrote "Wadsworth breakers introduce electrical shock hazard and fire risk into this home. Wadsworth lost their UL listing because of those fires."

I know they are a pain to remove front panels, but really had never heard of this serious risk.

Any thoughts?

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Originally posted by Les

Does anyone have any anecdotal stuff about Wadsworth Entrance Panels? I guess I know the normal stuff, but can't seem to find anything really negative.

I picked up a case this am from an atty's office where the "inspector" wrote "Wadsworth breakers introduce electrical shock hazard and fire risk into this home. Wadsworth lost their UL listing because of those fires."

I know they are a pain to remove front panels, but really had never heard of this serious risk.

Any thoughts?

I've never heard of any unusually serious risks from Wadsworth panels. The only ones I see are ancient and decrepit though.

My first impression, gleaned from the inspector's carefully crafted syntax, is that he doesn't know WTF he's talking about.

- Jim Katen, Oregon

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Regardless of whether or not it's a "boilerplate statement," I believe it's inaccurate. I would be interested to see any qualifying documentation and/or research.

I see Wadsworth panels on a pretty regular basis - typically with a fuse block for the service disconnect, and either breakers or Edison base fuses for distribution. They appear to be reliable systems for the most part, although their age, and the wiring (commonly tinned copper) will usually warrant repairs or replacement of the system.

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Jim, pleased you noticed the words. WJ would have a fit with that.

Kinda' of an aside, those exact words and not the meaning of those words is what will cause the inspector the most problem.

Can you imagine sitting across the table from him and saying "What the heck are you talking about?"

Now that we have introduced shock and fire hazard, can we expect a wedding and kids soon?

Thanks to those that responded!

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Les, I'm chagrined to report this, but I sifted through some old records and it seems that I did once encounter a Wadsworth panel that was in such bad condition that I considered it a hazard.

It was a fuse panel and the temperature of the faceplate was 180 degrees. The main fuseblock was also cracked.

I wouldn't tar the entire Wadsworth line because of this, but you asked for anecdotal stuff.

- Jim Katen, Oregon

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I'm not aware of any problems particular to Wadsworth either. I have to believe that if they had lost thier UL listing due to design or manufacturing problems they would be fairly infamous in electrical and HI circles. The burden of proof will be on him, and I'd bet he can't back that statement up.

I'm pretty sure they were eventually absorbed into the ITE/Gould/Siemens/whatever the heck they are now brand (FYI).

Brian G.

Mythology Is For Ancient Greeks & Romans, Not HI's [:-dunce]

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Just as interesting, Mike--How did you get the server to allow you to upload a 450 K photo? I'm continually having to resize uploads since Mike instituted file-size limits several months ago.

Gosh, Bain. Getting a question about doing stuff on a computer is a first for me. I'm a total dumb-ass with this contraption.

Server? I think restaurant or alter boy. 450K? That's a retirement investment thing, right? File size limit? Oh, crap.

I have been frustrated that I have been unable to post any photos as of late (y'all have missed out on some world changing images, let me tell you). So when choosing an image I tried changing my "Files of type" from "All files (*.*)" to, "Pictures (*.gif, *jpg)." And it worked.

And, oh yes, a ball peen hammer.

Come on, a fried mouse is way more interesting.

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My camera's set to snap photos at about a 500-K size so's when I burn them onto a CD the photos are nice and clear. I uploaded a few that were the original sizes and the lovable Brian G. told me to downsize them for the folks who were using dial-up. I mostly ignored Brian, primarily out of laziness, but a month or so later the photos were rejected due to being too large. Soon thereafter, and now, I decrease the sizes with Photoshop so the photos'll be accepted. But if I'm able to upload the big boys again . . .

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Uh, uh,

Please don't. I'm told by Mike B. that we've still got a lot of folks using TIJ that are on dial-up and those big megakilo photos are a constant source of irritation to those folks.

Someday, Budda willing and the bread don't rise, everyone will be on cable and it won't be necessary. Until then, please downsize them as far as you practically can without ruining your resolution.

I've down-sized 1.2Mb photos to 45Kb and when I've put them side by side I couldn't see any discernable difference, so I don't understand why this is so hard to do anyway. The tool is free at Powertoys for Window and it's a simple two click process. Then delete the big photo and rename the down-sized version without any parenthesis.



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Originally posted by Bain

I uploaded a few that were the original sizes and the lovable Brian G. told me to downsize them for the folks who were using dial-up.

For the record, I now have low-grade DSL (much better than dial up). [^]

I mostly ignored Brian, primarily out of laziness......

Counting my wife, that makes two of you now. [:-indiffe[-crzwom]

Brian G.

Truely and It Was Ever So, Dial Up Sucks [:-headach

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Hi Jeff,

Thanks, I'd never bothered to click that advanced tab to look inside the program, because I'm basically a chickenshit when it comes to computers. I'll have to do that from now on.

I just learned the "new" thing I needed for the day. My Dad always says that if you don't learn at least one new thing a day you've wasted the entire day.



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