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Mold is gold 27

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Originally posted by chicago

Don't laugh to hard one of those links is actualy not bad reading.http://www.moldinspector.com/

The pictures are pretty gross.

To me, it seems like an awful site. Aside from the Dr. Bronner-like look, the information is just bad and inaccurate.

The first thing he says about molds is that they're plants. They're not, they're fungi. They have their own kingdom separate from plants. Inaccurate information such as this is mixed in with accurate information throughout the site. That's worse then useless, it's harmful.

The writing level throughout the site is wretchedly bad. Consider, "The longer that mold grows, the more mold damage to the building. growth can begin." Or this, "The top 100, most-common toxic mold in home health symptoms, symptoms of mold exposure, symptoms of mold allergies, mold and mildew allergies, allergy asthma mold, black mold lung disease, symptoms of deadly or unhealthy black mold and toxic mold, symptoms of toxic black mold poisoning, toxic black mold health problems and health risks, toxic mold syndrome, and toxic black mold toxicity risks are listed below, in alphabetical order." Well, thank goodness he alphabetized them for us.

The site offers only fear mongering and snake oil.

- Jim Katen, Oregon

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It's pathetic information - you're right.

New technologies allow us to determine how may genes different species share. Three major domains are found; Archaea, Bacteria and Eukarya. I mention this only because it's different from my childhood Kingdom, Phylum, Class stuff...

Eukarya are divided into four groups; protists, Plantae, Animalia, and Fungi.

Biologists never have, and never will say fungus is a plant. The author of that site should be embarrassed, but (s)he is likely making too much money to sweat it.

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Ah, but Jimmy you still have hair. Makes ya look younger, say 33.

I was 33, 21 years ago [:-headach

Originally posted by Jim Morrison

Hey Gabacho,

Color photography wasn't common until the 1950's, looooong after you turned 33.

And besides, when you were my age, you were 37!

From mold-free Mexico,


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Originally posted by Jim Katen

The writing level throughout the site is wretchedly bad. Consider, "The longer that mold grows, the more mold damage to the building. growth can begin." Or this, "The top 100, most-common toxic mold in home health symptoms, symptoms of mold exposure, symptoms of mold allergies, mold and mildew allergies, allergy asthma mold, black mold lung disease, symptoms of deadly or unhealthy black mold and toxic mold, symptoms of toxic black mold poisoning, toxic black mold health problems and health risks, toxic mold syndrome, and toxic black mold toxicity risks are listed below, in alphabetical order." Well, thank goodness he alphabetized them for us.

Wow. Well hey, at least give him credit for being spectacularly bad. [:-paperba

The site offers only fear mongering and snake oil.

Unfortunately both are in great demand today. [:-indiffe

Brian G.

What Part of a Snake Do They Get the Oil From? [;)]

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