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WDI Inspection report guidelines

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I am conducting a home inspection tomorrow along with my first WDI Inspection. Do most of you that have a WDI license, attach a NPMA-33 form along with your home inspection report or do you add another section to the report and discuss the WDI Inspection within the body of the home inspection report.

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I own a pest control company in addition to my home inspection company. I'm licensed by the state of Florida to conduct WDO inspections but I usually schedule my guy who has been doing it for 17 years unless his schedule is tight.

The Dept of Agriculture requires us to use a specific form (1145) for the WDO. Even if I personally conduct the WDO along with the home inspection it is seperate from the home inspection report and issued under the pest control company.

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I also have the WDI license with a different company name than my home inspection company. I post the report to my web site and always keep the WDI form as a separate document than the home inspection report.

If I have to provide a hard copy of the report, I will print it off and attach it behind the home inspection, but the pages are not numbered in sequential order of the inspection report (begins over again at page 1), it is not listed in the table of contents of the home inspection report and the company name on the WDI report is the pest company name while the name on the HI report is the HI company.

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Well, I assume that your state has some form of licensing for pest guys. Did they not provide you with information about their required reporting format - whether you have to include it along with the home inspection report, whether specific numbering has to be on it, etc.?



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I'm licensed in NY. My license is created by the DMV believe it or not - and it looks just like a driver's license.

I just attach the NPMA form to the report. Not a big demand for this in Buffalo. I pretty much wasted my money in order to do FHA inspections, but then the FHA did away with the WDI inspection requirement.

Another license I'll let expire.

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Hi. I always, always include termite or WDI information in the body of the written home inspection report. I write WDI information and findings in the structure section. I would 100% do this if you are conducting the WDI yourself. It is much better to have two documents to fall back on and this way no one can tell you that the information was not presented. It is somewhat difficult to write a detailed description in the regular termite forms. Having it in two places will give you more fire power if something comes back on you.


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I also live in NY and have a home inspectors license. There is no license (in New York) for Termite/WDI/WDO inspections, and according to NYS Dept of Environmental Conservation (DEC) no license is required to inspect for such. There is a certification by the DEC called Pesticide Applicator.

The NPMA33 form is not a government form. It is a form made up by an association (National Pest Management Association), that is widely used and has been adopted by many institutions.

On the form, there is a space that asks for your company business license #, and another space that asks for your creditation, registration or license #.

Once you have the certification, it is easy to maintain. Once every two years, you must submit a simple form (on line) that asks how much chemical you have purchased/applied. Since this certification adds additional legitimacy to my endorsements, I see no reason not to maintain it.

As far as your question about how to include the information, I only provide the NPMA33 when requested by the client (at no additional charge). It is usually only requested when the bank requests it from them. I have a section in my Home Inspection report for Infestations (Termites/WDI/WDO). This section is filled out in all reports.

The report is for the client, I can include any information I wish, including explanations and photographs. The NPMA33 is for the bank. If all I did was give the client the NPMA33, I do not feel they would understand it, or get much out of it.

So, in response to your question " Do most of you that have a WDI license, attach a NPMA-33 form along with your home inspection report or do you add another section to the report and discuss the WDI Inspection within the body of the home inspection report." I do both.

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I am conducting a home inspection tomorrow along with my first WDI Inspection. Do most of you that have a WDI license, attach a NPMA-33 form along with your home inspection report or do you add another section to the report and discuss the WDI Inspection within the body of the home inspection report.

I don't included it with the home inspection report. I just put it in an envelope and deliver it or mail it at the same time as the home inspection report.

I hope you do have your license from Purdue University. If you don't, don't do the WDI inspection.


I love that the certification is valid for five years.

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