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I'm curious how often other HI's get tipped and what was the most or unique tip you've received.

My inspector called yesterday all excited. He'd received his first tip; $30. Then asked if it was okay for him to accept it. I immediately said "Heck NO!" "Bring it all to me immediately, I'll be at the Mexican resturant waiting on you to buy me lunch." He never showed, go figure.

I get tipped about a dozen times per year. The most I've received is $50.


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I never accept a tip. I tell my client that they best thing they could do for me is tell their friends that they were happy with my services and that is much more valuable to me than the extra few dollars. I thank them very much for their payment as they hand me a check at the inspection and everyone leaves with a smile.[:D]

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Last week an extraordinarily nice client literally shoved $40 in my hand as I was walking out the door. This happened even after she overheard the brokers discussing average inspection fees in the area are about 1/3 of what I charged.

One thing about tips, we used to get them all the time. It's always flattering, but eventually it dawned on me..."these people think I'm worth more than I do". So we steadily raised our rates to a more respectable strata and now gratuities are included. Now I get tipped once a year- maybe less.

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