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Correct Name For Material?

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Now that I am much older and wiser, I would caution you about a couple of things in your question.

How do they apply the material "to" the wall? I like to think it is "on" the wall.

Just because they apply it on the wall does not make it a waterproof material.

If it is on the interior of the basement wall I would write "Someone has smeared crap on the wall to stop the water from coming in through the wall." Or, the crap they smeared on the wall is cosmetic and usually does not stop water over a period of time.

I suspect you could argue it is a thin parging. Or a thin cementious product brushed on the wall.

Drylok and Thoroseal are a couple of trade names of product that will work when placed on a wall "in compression" (water or soil exerting pressure against them onto the wall).

I am not a fan of smearing stuff on walls except in the pursuit of art.

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Admittedly, I was born 100 years after his last great grandbaby got married, but, a la Les:

I wouldn't burn too many brain cells on nomenclating the wide field of substances that might have been applied to the interior of a given foundation wall. If I wanted to note it, I can't imagine saying anything more than: "It looks like someone has applied something to the interior of the walls to help keep the basement dry."

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I'm sorry guy's - should have been clearer.

It's a white plastic material, about 1/8-1/4" thick. It's actually anchored to the wall with some type of a molly/lead shield anchor system. I want to say Celotex but I don't think that is correct.

Now I'm starting to wonder if it's a regional type of thing.

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Hi Terry,

I'll echo what Jim and Les said. Yesterday I inspected a 97 year old bungalow with a basement where someone had applied some kind of stuff to the interior of the foundation on the uphill side. It was thick enough that I could push my fingernail into it and it was pretty durable but it was also blistering like crazy where the wall had probably been wet when it was applied. The stuff scanned wet and the drwyall applied over furring strip sleepers on the wall perpendicular to the wall that was coated was over 50% moisture in some places near that corner. Outside, a downspout emptied into an old concrete crock but the downhill crock on the next corner was bypassed because it was blocked. Obviously, there was moisture coming through that uphill wall despite the stuff applied. I suspect it's either groundwater, 'cuz the back yard slopes all the way to that back wall or that buried pipe that's receiving the roof runoff is separated below grade at or near that corner.

Is it possible that what you saw was one of the Delta foundation waterproofing products?



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Got it now! That stuff is quite common and used by nearly every waterproofing(gypsy) company around here. It provides a nice dark, warm and wet environment for mold. "Water comes thru the wall, is stopped by plastic sheeting, falls down into a trench, dirverted into a sump and pumped out." Slick system and keeps the basement dry! Or, we could just figger out where the water is coming from and control it before it gets through the wall.

I have a bad attitude about waterproofing basements.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Many who install inside systems refer to it as.....bright wall.

http://www2.snapfish.com/slideshow/Albu ... _111847456

They`ll attach it along bottom as in picture and sometimes against

most-all of the wall.This 'bright wall sheeting' doesn`t fix/repair/stop water from entering. What this sheeting DOES do is hide/conceal water/moisture that is entering through the wall and it hides the actual CONDITION of the wall.

When placed along the bottom courses of block walls it`ll conceal blocks that either have or can shift/bow inward or deteriorate.It hides mold,efflorescence on those blocks.

It also provides a nice wet/damp breeding area between sheeting and wall, for insects,mold etc....it sure as chtt does!

If you look at picture posted, the inside system and sheeting has not/did not STOP the water from where its STILL entering.Like most inside co`s, they do not correctly and honestly diagnose/identify where the water is entering. Click pic`s 11,12, see water/stains UP HIGH?

Water is first entering through exterior openings in/around the CHIMNEY and,below ground THROUGH cracks/loose-cracked parging on the exterior of block wall...yep.

Inside chumps want to HIDE stuff like this

http://www2.snapfish.com/slideshow/Albu ... _111847456

http://www2.snapfish.com/slideshow/Albu ... _111847456 They want to hide bottom courses that are/have deteriorated and which THEY do not fix/repair.

Someone thinks they know more then you call me,tired of the BS in

THIS business. Mark Anderson 313-881-8035

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