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Inspect Express on Windows 7?

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Dom, is there a similar patch for vista? Seems that once again reverse compatability is an after thought at MS.


Turn off User Account Control under Control Panel->Users. If you still have problems right click on the program and set compatibility mode to XP and Run as Administrator. That should cover everything. I know I helped quite a few InspectVue users get going that way.

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Installing and Running Inspect Express V3 On Windows 7

(tested with 64 bit also)

Windows 7 Installation Instructions:

(Microsoft Word 2000/2002/XP/2003/2007 Required)

For Word 2007 users the first time you run Inspect Express you should see a bar below the toolbar with "Security Warning: Macros have been disabled" and an Options button. Click this Options button and select 'Trust all documents from this publisher' and click okay.

After trying to run INSPECTEXPRESSâ„¢ on your Windows 7 operating system you may receive an error that the program cannot access the database. Follow these steps to get the software running correctly:

Open Windows Control Panel.

Select 'User Accounts and Family Safety'.

Type "UAC" into the search box on the top right.

Select 'Change User Account Control settings'.

Select 'Change the slider to Never Notify (all the way to the bottom)'.

Click 'OK' and restart your computer when prompted.

Inspect Express V3 will not run in Office 2010 at all, you will need to upgrade to version 4 of Inspect Express.

The UAC will not allow editing of the database because it is located in the program files folder. A new version of Inspect Express (V4) will be out this month to address this issue. You DO NOT need to run in compatability mode.

The UAC is what causes most problems on Vista and Windows 7. Microsoft knew this would happen and most people just get fed up and turn it off to run their old software and others just switch to a MAC.

Call if you have any problems and we can get you running.

Michael Brown

DevWave Software Inc.


Home Inspection Software

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Wasn't the UAC just a swell idea?

[:-censore [:-censore [:-censore I better not say anything... I don't want to have too join ranters anonymous later... [:-taped] [:-taped] [:-taped]

Hey, did you ever notice how UAC is almost the same as MAC except it’s like the M gets turned upside down? Maybe MAC secretly infiltrated Microsoft and helped create the UAC? Pretty clever… eh! MAC has to be behind it... you know what they say "follow the money"!

Oh well I guess there is no point wondering why I need the files for my software spread all over the users computer... I will go back to try and figure out where they all need to go to make Vista and Windows 7 happy. [:-yuck] see I'm starting...


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Wasn't the UAC just a swell idea?

[:-censore [:-censore [:-censore I better not say anything... I don't want to have too join ranters anonymous later... [:-taped] [:-taped] [:-taped]

Hey, did you ever notice how UAC is almost the same as MAC except it’s like the M gets turned upside down? Maybe MAC secretly infiltrated Microsoft and helped create the UAC? Pretty clever… eh! MAC has to be behind it... you know what they say "follow the money"!

Oh well I guess there is no point wondering why I need the files for my software spread all over the users computer... I will go back to try and figure out where they all need to go to make Vista and Windows 7 happy. [:-yuck] see I'm starting...


Yeah, we've been in the same boat, resisting what Windows wants, to force all the files outside of the Program Files folder. Luckily I was able to find a way to elevate privileges to work around it for now. But I'm sure eventually we'll have to cave to MS demands.

Jim, you're write. They should be brought up on charges for getting rid of clippy!

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