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How to Report

Steven Hockstein

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Looks like a 'make-do', an earnest attempt to end up with something that works by a DIYer that was short on knowledge. Since it seems like it's been serving there for a decent length of time, if there's no evidence of leaks, I'd just point out it's lack of methodics and recommend occasional monitoring.


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Prior to the new copper counterflashing installation, the old step & counterflashing was non-professionally patched with roofing cement. Roofing cement is not a primary flashing product - it's a temporary repair at best. Even with the new counterflashing, the roofing cement will fail, crack and leak. The entire flashing system should have been replaced.

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Looks like a 'make-do', an earnest attempt to end up with something that works by a DIYer that was short on knowledge. Since it seems like it's been serving there for a decent length of time, if there's no evidence of leaks, I'd just point out it's lack of methodics and recommend occasional monitoring.


I used to write things like that, but I don't anymore. Here in Boston, we get just about every kind of weather, some times in the same day. Even a good flashing will leak in a Nor-easter, so I got to thinking: "What am I telling them to monitor for?" For the leak I know will eventually come, because this flashing aint right? If I came across the flashing in Steven's photo tomorrow, I'd tell them that the flashing was poorly installed and will leak. That chimney should be properly flashed by a roofer now.

No one in their right mind has ever monitored a questionable -or any other kind of- flashing. Flashings are in that special and fat category of things like our spleens and fuel injectors. Very few people even know what they do or how they do it. Most of us just go about our business ignoring them at all times, until they fail. Then we panic and overpay the first fool who offers to fix 'em.

These days, when I see a bad flashing, I tell people that shingles rarely leak, but weak flashings regularly do. I say: "Get it fixed so you can go back to ignoring it with confidence."

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