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Type of Mold

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...looks like the Clemson Tiger mold to me...

Good one, it actually does!

Let me be the first to say, mold is everywhere, all the time. I would be astounded if you didn't find mold in any house.

The only thing you have proven is that Home Depot and the manufacturer of that mold test have made some money.

Do a search here - mold is generally a scare tactic sales technique.

Here is a good paper form Middle Tennessee State University, Frequently Asked Questions about Mold and a couple of excerpts:

  • The American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine states, "Current scientific evidence does not support the proposition that human health has been adversely affected by inhaled mycotoxins in the home, school, or office environment

There is no specific number that defines either safe or unsafe mold exposure

it must accepted that mold exposure is inevitable in the world in which we live.

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Great comedic responses, it actually does look like a cats paw, nevertheless, I've been diagnosed with mold allergies, just wanted to know wether it's toxic or not? I appreciate the " mold is everywhere " I hope there's a troll hunter in this forum and answer a simple question, thanks for the responses.

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There is difference between a simple question and a naive query.

Your question cannot be answered with any degree let alone a reasonable degree of certainty.

If you're allergic to mold, why are you propagating specimens in your home?

In the future, save the money on the mold test kit and leave a slice of bread in a baggie to produce the same results.

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If you have a moisture problem, you may have a mold problem.Get rid of the moisture problem and the mold goes away. Growing ANY type of mold in your home is never a good thing, no matter the type of mold.

There is no such thing as "TOXIC MOLD". Certain people may be sensitive to certain mold strains just like certain people have nut allergies.

Go to the Doctor if you suspect you have an allergy and have him test and recommend treatment and identify if you want.

As has been said here before, it is impossible to identify mold based on your photo.

It is useless to test and identify mold.

Concentrate your efforts rather on finding if you have identifiable areas of mold growing in your home and correct the moisture problem causing the mold growth.

If you have mold that you can see or smell, you have a mold problem.

If you have mold problem or uncertainties that you need help with, contact an Industrial Hygienist. Do NOT ask home or mold inspectors or especially mold remediation companies for testing or investigation.

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Great comedic responses, it actually does look like a cats paw, nevertheless, I've been diagnosed with mold allergies, just wanted to know wether it's toxic or not? I appreciate the " mold is everywhere " I hope there's a troll hunter in this forum and answer a simple question, thanks for the responses.

So far I have seen no trolls, just honest answers.

Stop propagating your own mold. Look for any places it is growing on it's own and eliminate the moisture issues that allow it to grow.

You can take one of those test kits and swab any surface and you will get growth, because - mold is everywhere. They are a waste of money.

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What Tim said.

Only a lab examination can determine the species of your mold sample and whether it's one of those species that have the potential to produce the particular mycotoxins that are known to have caused neurological issues in humans.

Healthy folks generally don't experience allergy symptoms from exposure to common spore concentrations. If you're already allergic to it then yeah, you might.

The bad thing about mold growth in the home is that the spores it puts into the air are trapped by the floor, walls and ceilings of the house. It can't get out. And it won't stop producing them either, no matter how high the concentration gets. If you're not allergic to it already, you likely will be soon, so get that growth out. Use Tilex to wipe it away.

If you do that and you still suspect that mold is causing your allergy issues, call up a mold consultant.

Don't bother with calling a mold inspector. They know enough to charge you but not enough to help you.


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A mold consultant is only slightly less ridiculous than a mold inspector. If you need to pay someone to tell you if you're house is clean and dry, some advice of a different order is required.

This is called a 1st World issue. I have mold allergies. Everyone does to some degree.

Your larger question is who to believe. Science and medical fact, or people earning their living pandering.

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