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Does approved for outside use mean....

Robert Jones

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That the extension cord should be run under water to feed a boat dock? The yellow cord that is visible, goes from the outlet, into the sound, and back up to the boat dock/launch. Homeowner(builder) stated that it has always been like that!

I would note that the extension cord is not meant to be permanent wiring (wet or dry) and that they should have a proper feed/outlets/etc installed.

On a side note, to illustrate the potential hazard...

My Dad had a cabin/dock like this on the Lake of the Ozarks. In the summertime, these docks are often full of young kids jumping and swimming around the docks. Imagine the possible trajedy.

Wayne G

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Is it just me, or does any one else find it amusing that the disco is installed directly between the hose bib and the fire ring?[:-jump]

I can't tell you how many times I've been jingled hooking up my camper to a set up like that, no way I'd go near it with that cord in the water.


I think that's called natural selection. [:-bonc01]

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