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going back to part time

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Well I have taken a full time job. It will be hanging ductwork like I did before. I was hoping that I would be a part of the work force that just work and did what I was told.

But no it was not to be. They want me to run a job for them making sure it gets put in right and the job gets done on time.

I am getting paid the dollar amount I ask for and getting a truck to drive.

So I am now a part time inspector. Of course my phone is ringing like crazy and I will be doing inspections in the afternoons and weekends.

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Nope, you're wise. Bank on the sure thing and rake in all you can make from home inspecting, as well.

Best of luck to you Phillip, and please don't become a stranger here.

I've worked second jobs several times over the years, when I needed a little stability.

I think things are going to get a bit rougher in real estate for the next few months, and possibly a fair amount rougher, in general, before they get better. We'll never see a market like we experienced from 2000 - 2008 - not in our lifetime anyway. So I doubt you'll regret making a full time job decision and sticking to it.

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Phillip, I got a call in the beginning of the month to hang cabinets (7 10s) at Syracuse University.

The guy was willing to wait a week for me because I had leftovers from August. Since I'd had a really good month of August and the phone was still ringing the first week of this month, I called him late that week and told him thanks but, I was too busy to do both.

Luckily for me I only have a dog to feed. IDIOT!

Good for you. If I had it to do again........

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The comment above was uncalled for and I will not quote it. We do not all live in areas with high turnovers in real estate. We had to sell our property and move to be in a busier area. If I had stayed where I was, I'd be working another job now, no doubt.

Good luck, Phillip, and keep those young guys on their toes, eh?

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The comment above was uncalled for and I will not quote it. We do not all live in areas with high turnovers in real estate. We had to sell our property and move to be in a busier area. If I had stayed where I was, I'd be working another job now, no doubt.

Good luck, Phillip, and keep those young guys on their toes, eh?

Agreed. What possible good was intended by or can come from such a comment? I don't get it....

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Uhoh, Kurt's mad at me now! Sorry, sorry, sorry!! God help you you dis a brother!

It really wasn't meant as a personal attack on Phillip. I guess my point is, are all of the home inspectors in his area out of business? I doubt it. Could he do things to increase his revenue? Probably. My guess (and this is a total guess) is he could have increased his revenue and stayed in business by raising his prices. That was the reason for stating that if he could make more hanging duct he never should have been as home inspector.

Has anyone out here seen a drop in revenue when they raised prices? I'm telling you, when times are tough, raise your prices, it works every time. You don't. you go the way of Phillip.

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Uhoh, Kurt's mad at me now! Sorry, sorry, sorry!!

It really wasn't meant as a personal attack on Phillip. I guess my point is, are all of the home inspectors in his area out of business? I doubt it. Could he do things to increase his revenue? Probably. My guess (and this is a total guess) is he could have increased his revenue and stayed in business by raising his prices. That was the reason for stating that if he could make more hanging duct he never should have been as home inspector.

Has anyone out here seen a drop in revenue when they raised prices? I'm telling you, when times are tough, raise your prices, it works every time. You don't. you go the way of Phillip.

What have you got for me, Rich? I live in a city of 23K, near Syracuse, With competition from close to 100 licenced guys.

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Uhoh, Kurt's mad at me now! Sorry, sorry, sorry!!

It really wasn't meant as a personal attack on Phillip. I guess my point is, are all of the home inspectors in his area out of business? I doubt it. Could he do things to increase his revenue? Probably. My guess (and this is a total guess) is he could have increased his revenue and stayed in business by raising his prices. That was the reason for stating that if he could make more hanging duct he never should have been as home inspector.

Has anyone out here seen a drop in revenue when they raised prices? I'm telling you, when times are tough, raise your prices, it works every time. You don't. you go the way of Phillip.

What have you got for me, Rich? I live in a city of 23K, near Syracuse, With competition from close to 100 licenced guys.

You raise your prices way above the "competition" and you eliminate the competition. You may not believe that but it works. Be the "most expensive home inspector in town" and advertise it. If you are doing OK, don't bother. If you are on the way out or considering hanging duct, try it, what have you got to lose? I guarantee that most of the "brothers" on this board are charging way more than the others in their area.

Most home inspectors complain that we don't get enough for our work. Whose fault is that? The competition? I don't think so. You know what, I don't complain about that and I am very busy. I make good money and am proud of it and earn it. Anybody in this business should do the same.

Not to say that was the issue with Phillip, I don't know him but I do know alot of home inspectors that are struggling needlessly/

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I didn't know you were a tin knocker Phillip. I use to avoid doing duct work like the plague - I kept Johnson & Johnson band-aid division in business.

We all do what we have to do and at least you have a good trade in which to generate additional income. And, as others have said, don't be a stranger - there is only one Phillip Award.

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Raising prices will not work I am already one of the highest price inspector in the area.

Home sells are down from last year. The realtors around here have to much say to their clients about the inspector. They tell them that an inspection should not take over 2 hours and the report should be given to them then.

I know we are coming to the slow time of the year and I can still do the 1 or 2 a week that I have been doing.

Don't worry I will still be hanging out here.

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