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Broken Nose - OUCH!!!

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Holy Crap,

I was just watching an episode of The Deadliest Catch on Discovery Channel. As they were pulling pots in really high seas on the Northwestern, a chain hook snapped like a bullwhip and clonked a deckhand in the face and knocked the guy flat. The poor guy's nose is broken worse than any I've ever seen - that thing looks like it's about 3/4-inch off-center.

Crap! I swear, I felt that hook when it hit his face. Now my eyes and nasal passages ache just looking at the guy. An inch higher and that hook probably would have fractured the guy's skull.

Every time I watch that program I wonder why OSHA isn't down the throat of fish boat captains on an hourly basis.



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I'm watching the premier of a new series - Combat Hospital - right now.

It portrays allied doctors at a field hospital in Kandahar. I was enjoying it until an emergency room doctor pulled out a weapon during surgery to shoot a snake slithering across the floor of the operating room.

Snakes don't slither into well lit rooms full of people - ever - and, having been in a room when one of my comrades was dumb enough to discharge his sidearm onto the floor, I know that would be absolutely the stupidest thing any person on the planet could do inside an enclosed space where that round can bounce around like a coin in a tin can. Oh well, one more to put on the don't watch list.



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Re. Deadliest Catch,

Sometimes I've wondered if any of the guys who've been hazed into quitting jobs, or have been in physical confrontations with captains on those fishing boats have turned around and sued under labor laws and have used Deadliest Catch footage as evidence at trial.

Sometimes it's like watching a car accident. Some of those Captains are lousy leaders and worse employers.



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mostly they are exempt from OSHA stuff. Most, if not all of crew, are shareholders or "owners". The contract they sign for the show is pages long. Captain Phil's death made them millions.

The people that put these shows together are really really sharp business folks.

Mike, the combat hospital show reminds me of Mike Holmes and his show: anything for the gipper!

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Once long ago on a summer job I had to tote five gallon buckets up a hill to water newly planted roses. Thinking I would be smart I took a stout piece of hickory about 4 ft long and put two buckets on the stick, suspended by their handles, the whole assembly on my shoulder, one bucket in front, one behind.

Up the hill to the spot, I bent slightly to let the front bucket slide off. Surprise. Back bucket cantilevered stick right about the middle of my forehead with surprising force. After staggering in circles for a few and sitting in the shade a few more, I was ready to go again.

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