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Phantom Trojan?

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I had a Norton Warning pop up on the screen today saying I'd been infected the the Backdoor Trojan. Of course it couldn't repair it. So I shut down the computer and restart it in safe mode and turn off System Restor and run Nortan again in Safe Mode. Nothing shows up.

So, I restart under normal again and run another full Norton scan. Nothing.

By the way, I have a Norton subscription and have automatic updates as well as the MS firewall, DSL router and the rest of the MS security package.

What happened to the Trojan? Was this a hiccup?


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Originally posted by chrisprickett

While we're on the subject of computer protection, and back-door trojans (Goodman-you call that a "shank"?) I've had it with Norton, and plan on switching to MacAfee. Any opinions? Other options?

Get a Macintosh. I realize that this is sacrilegious, but it is a nice way to dodge the entire affair.

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I'm seriously considering switching to Mac, but to stay on topic, I use two antivirus programs, one of which is free from AVG. The other is EZ trust. I don't run firewalls anymore because they slow me down and between these AV programs they catch everything that's been coming my way as it comes.

That's a lotta stuff because I was having "blue screen" events nearly every day.

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I use Zone Alarm and love it. I had a lot of problems with Macafee.

http://www.zonelabs.com/store/applicati ... lid=nav_ss

Zone Alarm makes the best free firewall and the other security products are also very good.

Microsofts "Firewall" is very weak. It will block intrusions, but if you already have a trojan, it will just allow it to go about it's business. Where as Zone Alarm with alert you that something is trying to send a message out from your computer and asks if you want to allow it.

Kevin Teitel

House-Pro Inspections

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Originally posted by Brian G.

The Backdoor Trojan? Did this virus start in a state penitentiary someplace? [:-bigeyes

Brian G.

Couldn't Help Myself [:-paperba

I briefly thought about asking how to take screenshots....but decided against it. I fear how that thread would have drifted also [:-eyebrow

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Originally posted by kteitel

Zone Alarm makes the best free firewall and the other security products are also very good.

Where as Zone Alarm with alert you that something is trying to send a message out from your computer and asks if you want to allow it.

I had the free version for a while, but most of the time it couldn't tell me anything about whatever was asking to access the internet, which sort of left me in a guessing game anyway. I had to shut it down to update Norton everytime too.

I think we should begin real internet security by imposing the death penaty for anyone who creates or distributes a virus. If they're overseas, sanction a hit. [:-skull]

While we're at let's outlaw tracking cookies, spam, and the selling of any customer list by any vendors who use the net, with massive fines attached and zealously enforced. THAT would be a start.

Brian G.

Bleeding Heart Liberal, Seeking to Understand and Appreciate the Underlying Motivations and Causes of Hackers and Virus Lords Everywhere [;)]

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I used to be a computer tech, and would not recommend McAffe to anybody. If you want the best, then check out www.pandasoftware.com , not only are they the best, they are very reasonably priced.

I have absolutely no affiliation with them, but merely have found the best software by trial and error.

You can also do a free scan from their webpage, it is called ActiveScan. It will even actually fix some viruses while it scans. I do recommend the full software version if you want to keep from ever getting infected

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  • 2 months later...

I've tried/used Norton and McAfee from their beginnings. Always problems, memory hogs, something slips past them. They're ready to sell you more.

I've had EXCELLENT RESULTS with Germany's AntiVir's free personal version (English v. of course). Also, Zone Alarm's free firewall.

You can find the downloads to try out and other interesting computer protection and maintenance software at www.majorgeeks.com

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I used to have Norton and it hogged all of my ram and used to have so much stuff running in the background that my box ran like a dial-up. I dumped it more than two years ago and went with McAfee and nothing, absolutely nothing, with a virus has gotten past it since. There have been a couple of times when I thought something got past and I freaked a little, but upon further investigation everything was clean as a whistle.

I guess everyone's mileage varies, depending on what they've got and how they've got it configured. Mine's pretty simple - just two computers networked together on cable.



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Originally posted by Donald Lawson

I had a Norton Warning pop up on the screen today saying I'd been infected the the Backdoor Trojan. Of course it couldn't repair it. So I shut down the computer and restart it in safe mode and turn off System Restor and run Nortan again in Safe Mode. Nothing shows up.

So, I restart under normal again and run another full Norton scan. Nothing.

By the way, I have a Norton subscription and have automatic updates as well as the MS firewall, DSL router and the rest of the MS security package.

What happened to the Trojan? Was this a hiccup?


You'll ocasionally get a false alarm from a valid program whose behavior imitates a trojan. Windows fax triggers it. I would ignore it.

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I would definitely NOT ignore it. Norton probably picked up a symptom of the Trojan, which is to create a file (randomly named), and that is what set off your scanner.

These backdoor Trojans can collect keystrokes, or data entered in any program, and send it to who-knows-where, all without your knowledge. Some Trojans reside in a special partition (that they create) on your drive. Tough to remove…

I had a similar Trojan warning and really didn’t want to gamble. No aware or spyware removal would help. Even with firewalls, up-to date antivirus, (Norton), spyware blockers, hardware this and that, I can’t be worrying about data loss and identity theft.

So I formatted and reloaded, (yes, giant pain) and no more warning.


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I dunno,

Herr Cramer has been around this computer stuff a lot longer than most of us have been in the business or have had anything to do with computers. He's pretty darned smart too. If he told me to ignore it, I'd probably follow that advice rather than reformat my hard drive and take a chance on screwing things up even more.

But that's just me. Format away if your comfort level requires it.



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I agree with Mr. Cramer. When I activated Windows Fax viewer, Norton popped up a Trojan warning. This is the only time that it happened and I ignored it for over a year with no problems.

I don't use Norton anymore because I now have an AOL account that costs me $4.95 a month (because I don't use AOL for my internet access). It includes free Antivirus and anti Spyware software with automatic updates. My computers have all been working much faster since this change.

The Trojan warning has stopped. I think it is a glitch with the Norton program and how it relates to the Windows Fax program.

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