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Stains on roofing


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The furnace connected to this flue has about 60% of the combustion air that it requires. Would this cause the white stains on the shingles due to improper combustion? The stains are similar to ones typically found under swamp coolers that leak or have an improperly adjusted float.

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I was waiting for Mr O to chime in because he's got a crystal clear description for it...anyway...a reduced draft is allowing flue gas temps to drop too much resulting in it's condensation before it can exit the flue. The condensation is acidic and reacts with the zinc in the galvanizing to produce zinc oxide which is solid at ambient temps and white in color. So mridgeelk is right on the money with his diagnosis of inadequate flue draft.


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I agree, the furnace needs to be checked out.

Ed, was that elk on your property?

A friend offered to help a relative hunt down an elk cow. This guy had a tag for a cow, not many allowed in any given year. Every time they got close to the herd, the greenhorn would spook the herd and they'd be gone. All except the bull, who would be standing there watching them, but he was not fair game. After about a week, they finally got their cow, in the local farmer's field. Farmer called them up, "Come and get yer stinkin' elk" and hauled it to the road for them with the tractor. Farmers up here hate elk.

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John, I raised elk for many years. Now I am down to a few old cows and no stinkin' bulls. An elk bull in the rut puts any dairy bull (Holstein, Ayrshire etc.) to shame as far temperament and destructiveness.

I'm impressed, Ed. We had a milk cow when I was a kid, but I couldn't raise a chicken if I had to. Coons got the last couple we had, since they were roosting in a tree instead of in their pen.

I did fish a buck deer out of a swimming pool once. Almost got spiked in the process.

I wouldn't want to tell a bull elk he can't have any cow today. [:)]

Oh, yeah, good call on the furnace.

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  • 2 months later...

I think your furnace has been blocked you need to clean it remove the dust from it. Even check the ventilation of your house.

Tony, I'm going to say this as diplomatically as I know how and I hope you don't take offense, but I hope to hell you aren't performing inspections yet.

You are not ready.

Based on some of your commentary here over the past week it's pretty clear that you really need to do an immitation of a remora and attach yourself to an experienced inspector for the next couple of years; before you go out there and start performing inspections on your own.

You are not ready.

If you are inspecting right now I'm afraid it's only a matter of time before you get yourself into a situation that you're not going to be able to get yourself out of without losing your shirt.

You are not ready.

Please continue to visit and read all that your can about inspections and the causes and effects of stuff but, please, don't go out on your own yet. Find an experienced inspector who is looking for an assistant and stick to him like glue for a year or two.

Do that, and I know that in a couple of years you, and your customers, will thank me for these few harsh words.



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He made a whole lot of posts without the link. Then after days of doing that, he finally put a link in his signature for that waterproofing company. That made the link show up in every post he'd made over the past week or so. I removed the link from his profile and locked it.

If he had told the truth about where he was and posted a link to a firm in India; or if he were actually a contractor in New York, I would have let it go; but he is, as Jim pointed out, simply a poser.

Pssst, Tony; go away. There are thousands of other places you can sow your customer's link; you're just wasting your time here.



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