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Army Vets - This post is for you.


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Hi All,

I'm posting this link here in miscellaneous topics as a favor to other U.S. Army vets like myself. It is not meant to be a political statement, so, please, don't anyone take it as one and use it as a reason to get on a soapbox about our policies at home or abroad.

It's just my way of sharing something with other Army vets that maybe only they will feel and understand.

I'm a pretty hardened son-of-a-bitch, but this one ambushed me and struck a pretty deep emotional chord. Hope my fellow ground pounders enjoy it as much as I did.





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11-Bravo Infantry

7th ID Fort Ord California 1989 thru 1992

101st Infantry, Fort Cambell KY 1992

Optioned out in 1992(Military Cut-Backs) used GI Bill to go to school, finished tour in reserve.

To all Vets - THANK YOU!!!


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There is nothing I can write that will convey the emotion of watching the video as an "old" man in the privacy of your office on an early Friday morn. Ya know, those guys look like me 44yrs ago.

PS: my best part was the shot of the woman on the wall. have you ever had your mama pull you up and out? I have.

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  • 2 months later...

Clips like that fill me with pride and cause goosebumps all over my body. It's causes such great feeling in me that sometimes my eyes well up and tears roll down my face. Tears of pride, no kidding.

To all of the veterans and current active or inactive duty members of our armed forces;

Thanks you for your service to our country.

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