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Professional H.I. Association List

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Hi Folks,

This morning I took some time to dig through my bookmarks and extract all of the national and state professional HI associations that I've archived over the years. I'm posting it here. If any of you know of any others that have been formed, which are not sub-chapters of larger national organizations, please respond below with the name of the association and the URL to their website, if any.




Professional Home Inspectors' Associations

National Organizations

American Association of Certified Home Inspectors (AACHI) http://www.aachi.org

American Association of Home Inspectors (AAHI) http://www.aahi.com/index.htm

American Institute of Inspectors (A.I.I.) http://www.inspection.org

American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI) http://www.ashi.org

Canadian Association of Home and Property Inspectors (CAHPI) http://www.cahi.ca

Foundation of Real Estate Appraisers (FREA) http://www.frea.com/

Historic Building Inspectors Association (HBIA) http://www.inspecthistoric.org

Housing Inspection Foundation (HIF) http://www.iami.org/hif.cfm

Independent Home Inspectors of North America (IHINA)

International Society Of Home Inspectors (ISHI) http://www.ishionline.org

Michigan Association of Home Inspectors (MichAHI) http://www.michahi.org/ http://www.independentinspectors.org/

National Academy of Building Inspection Engineers (NABIE) http://www.nabie.org/

National Association of Certified Home Inspectors (NACHI) http://www.nachi.org

National Association of Home Inspectors (NAHI) http://www.nahi.org

National Institute of Building Inspectors (NIBI) http://www.nibi.com/

National Association of Property Inspectors (NAPI) http://napi.lincoln-grad.org/index.php

National Association of Real Estate Inspection and Evaluation Services (NARIES) http://www.naries.org/

National Society of Home Inspectors (NSHI) http://www.nshi.us/

Organization of Real Estate Professionals (OREP http://www.orep.org/

Society of Professional Real Estate Inspectors (SPREI) http://www.sprei.org/ORG/index1.html

State/Provincial Organizations

Arkansas Association of Real Estate Inspectors (AAREI) http://www.ark-homeinspectors.com/

California Real Estate Inspection Association http://www.creia.org/

Connecticutt Association of Home Inspectors (CAHI) http://www.ct-inspectors.com/

Florida Association of Building Inspectors (FABI) http://www.fabi.org/

Florida Association of Professional Home Inspectors (FAPHI) http://www.faphi.com

Georgia Association of Home Inspector http://www.gahi.com/

Kentucky Real Estate Inspection Association (KREIA) http://www.kreia.org/

Maine Coalition of Home Inspection Professionals (MeCHIPS) http://www.mechips.org

Maryland Association of Home Inspectors (MAHI) http://www.mdahi.org/

Minnesota Society of Housing Inspectors (MSHI) http://mshi.org/

New Jersey Association of Licensed Professional Home Inspectors (NJALPHI) http://www.njalphi.com

New York State Association of Home Inspectors (NYSAHI) http://www.nysahi.com/

Nevada Association of Certified Real Estate Inspectors (NACREI) http://www.nacrei.org/

North Carolina Licensed Home Inspection Association (NCLHIA) http://www.nclhia.com/

Pennsylvania Association of Accredited Building Inspectors (PAABI) http://www.webphilly.com/PAABI/Paabi_Frameset.htm

Pennsylvania Home Inspectors Coalition (PHIC) http://phic.info/

Southern Nevada Association of Professional Property Inspectors (SNAPPI) http://www.snappi.org/

Texas Association of Real Estate Inspectors http://www.tarei.com

Virginia Association of Real Estate Inspectors (VAREI) http://www.varei.org

Wisconsin Association of Home Inspectors (WAHI) http://www.wahigroup.com/

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  • 6 months later...

Thanks Chris and Tom. I've added both of those.

I've just modified the list to include both Canadian and US associations. I'm a little embarrassed that I left the Canadian associations off the list, because this site was built by a Canadian firm after all and my Dad comes from Canada. Anyway, I'd appreciate it if those of you in Canada could help me garner a complete current list of all HI organizations presently operating in Canada.

Next, does anyone know what's up with PAABI? I tested all of the links this morning and that's the only one that didn't work. I then did a google search for them and every single link to them from any of Google's results is toast.

If anyone else sees an association missing from the list, please let me know so I can add it.

So Chris,

What's the deal with FIHI? Who started it and when. I visited their site, but there isn't much history explained there.



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A guy named Lon Barnaby started it. FIHI's goals are similar to IHINA but with educational standards offered and required.

I had some correspondence with Lon and he seemed nice enough and appears qualified to run to run this thing. He's an engineer and from what I've researched has a lot of back ground in the profession.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 2 years later...
What's the deal with FIHI? Who started it and when. I visited their site, but there isn't much history explained there.


When I clicked on http://www.fihi.info, it was a dead link. A Google search didn't turn up much more than an old press release: http://www.prweb.com/releases/2004/5/prweb122948.htm


A guy named Lon Barnaby started it. FIHI's goals are similar to IHINA but with educational standards offered and required.

I had some correspondence with Lon and he seemed nice enough and appears qualified to run to run this thing. He's an engineer and from what I've researched has a lot of back ground in the profession.


Lon was a IHINA member a few years ago. At the same time he was (and still is) an associate member of the Lehigh Valley Board of Realtors. That struck me as kind of odd, so on another inspection board, I questioned Dennis R. about it. He replied that when he asked Lon about that, this was the reply: "For me to enter homes using an electronic display key, something that is used exclusively in my area, It was necessary for me to join this organization as an associate member."

Well, that's simply not true. I've had a Supra Key provided by the Lehigh Valley Board of Realtors for over seven years and I've never been a member of any kind. The only requirement is to pay $129 annually to GE/Supra.

Lon's Lab Pro web site states: "LAB Pro Home Inspection subscribes to the FIHI® Code of Ethics", with no mention of the, uh, close relationship. Next is: FIHI® certifies independent home inspectors who make these 6 pledges. Number 1 is: I will have no obligations to anyone interested in the outcome of an inspection other than my Client and I will tell my Client of any business interests or personal relationships that could be perceived to influence the outcome of an inspection.

That's laudable, but he offers to refund the inspection fee if the deal doesn't go to closing. It sure seems to me that the chance of not being paid could possibly influence the outcome of the inspection. I could be reading the offer wrong however, since the meaning is a little hazy to me: "If you do not settle on your home due to the Seller reneging on the sale of agreement you signed with your Realtor, you receive a full refund of the cost for the basic home inspection."



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I've made a few additions:

Ontario Association of Home Inspectors (OAHI) http://www.oahi.com

National Association of Real Estate Inspection and Evaluation Services (NARIES) http://www.naries.org/

National Society of Home Inspectors (NSHI) http://www.nshi.us/

Michigan Association of Home Inspectors (MichAHI) http://www.michahi.org/

International Society Of Home Inspectors (ISHI) http://www.ishionline.org

Professional Organization of Building Examiners (PROBE) http://www.probenetwork.org

If anyone knows of more, let me know.

NOTE: I'm not interested in chapters of the major organizations. They should be stand-alone organizations. -- Thanx

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As I am ending my first year in business, I've decided that maybe I should join an association with oahi/cahpi and ashi being the ones at the front of the pack (for me anyways). Looking at this list that Mike has compiled (thanks Mike) has shown that there is way more associations than I thought!!!

Maybe it's time to start International Association of Manor Inspectors - an ultra exclusive club open only to HI's named Manor!!!!


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