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Douglas Hansen Electrical Inspection Book


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Does anyone have a copy of Douglas Hansens "Inspection of electrical systems" book that they would like to sell me? Ive been jipped twice now through amazon and never got what I ordered... I cant find anyone who carries that book online...

send me a private meesage if you have one and you are smart enough to inspect/live without it :D

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This may be an updated version of Hansen's "Electrical Inspection of Existing Dwellings".

Electrical Inspection Book at ITA/Kaplan

I can just barely make out Hansen, Kardon, and Casey on the cover pic and the writeup mentions Hansen by name and has brother Katen's endorsement.

P.S. - I wouldn't pass over an opportunity to contact the author...

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Originally posted by Jim Morrison

The best way to get the most recent edition , see that more money goes to the author, and get your book personalized, is to contact him directly. Douglas@CodeCheck.com


Why not? Kaplan is owned by the Washington Post. They sure don't need the revenue nearly as much as the author does.



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Douglas and I communicated via email a few weeks back. At that time, he was taking some time to get back in touch with things, somewhere on the California coast as I recall, and isn't always near a computer, email or the internet. Be patient, when he surfaces, he'll contact you.



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