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Got A New Box

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Last weekend was my birthday and my wife and a friend got together and bought me a new puter box. It's got the windows 7 on it and a newer version of word and a little over 6Gb of ram.

He came over last night and hooked everything up for me and showed me how to back up my data on the old box and move it over to the new one.

So far, it seems to do the net thing faster but it's taking me longer to write my reports 'cuz I'm struggling to figure out how the newer version of word works.

I'm hoping that this thing will be fast enough that I can get one of those voice recognition things and maybe give my arthritic hands a break.

Any tips from the brethren about good-to-have stuff for these new boxes?



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That depends Mike, what do you want to do with it?

I have a few core programs that I default to on all my machines. Now keep in mind, all pc programs are subjective. Some like certain ones, some don't. I'm not picky, if it works well, I'll use it.

1. Google Chrome - Browser. The best part about Chrome is it incorporates a google search feature in the URL bar, this means you no longer have to go to Google.com to do a search. Simply type your search in the bar and GO!

2. WinRar - Like win zip.

3. AVG- free virus program, works OK, for free, world good enough

4. Malwarebytes - Free maleware tool, works great.

I'm sure there are more, just non come to mind. If your new pc is just a report writer and web surfer, you should be just about all set.

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FWIW, I've abandoned all commercial versions of Ant-virus software and bought on to Microsoft Security Essential, which seems to work just fine - updating daily and enjoying pretty good reviews. My thinking is that it's designed to work with their OS in a resource friendly manner, which appears to be true. Since I made that switch, my PCs seem to behave a bit better when opening files or browsers.

Also, CCleaner seems to be the best basic cleanup software (free), recommended by BB Geeks as trustworthy regarding registry deletions.

Spybot Search and Destroy and SpywareBlaster, are also great free security programs.

Thankfully, there's a LOT of great free programs out there these days.

I've moved in the direction of the time tested free stuff in this area, not for the sake of expense, but because I've found the commercial versions of such software to be big programs that tie up a lot of resources, slowing down my PCs.

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Thanks for the tips. Yeah, I don't do much beyond writing reports in word, invoices in Excel and surfing the web - don't know how.

I don't need any spyware or malware or anti-virus ware though. I subscribe to a service that took all of the conflicting crap off my box, installed a good reliable program and is available 24/7/365 for assistance. As soon as my buddy got done yesterday, we called them and a guy logged onto my computer remotely at 1:00 a.m., cleaned all the crap out, set everything up and organized things.

We ended up with a glitch with the new Western Digital 1/2-Tb backup drive. My buddy thought he'd backed everything up onto it but apparently he had not. Worse, the new box wouldn't recognize the BU drive when they rebooted. The tech worked diligently on it from about 2:00 a.m. to 6:10 a.m., figured out that my buddy hadn't set it up for a 64 bit computer and hadn't updated it properly so he did it all and got her up and running like a Swiss watch. I grabbed a jump drive and downloaded what I absolutely need onto it and transferred that data to the new box. I'm going to have my buddy pull that old hard drive and plug it into this one. When I do that, I can get to the other not-so-critical stuff that's still in there.



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I've been using Carbonite as my backup for about a year.......that's the only bit I can offer.

I've heard some folks don't like it for various reasons, but it works for me.

I'm pretty much completely Google-ized. I don't care if they have a monopoly; it all works and it's all free. I've ditched (almost) all things MS. Google Docs is da bomb.

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I've been using Carbonite as my backup for about a year

I've heard good things about it.

I use SugarSync, which is equally amazing. It syncs and uploads in a split second, any change I make to a file - comparing the files and saving the most recent version. I never have to worry about an old file. You tell it what to back up. Anything REALLY important you put into the magic briefcase, and it's kept current and available on every PC you own at the same time.

The best software and online service I've ever purchased.

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I do Carbonite, but I also do a simple manual backup to a couple of small 500gb hard drives; they only cost about $100 each. I like Maxtor's, which come with auto backup (Retrospect) if you want it. Sometimes I used auto backup, but most of the time I do it manually.

I drag my most critical files over to the USB connected hard drive if I'm leaving the computer for a couple minutes.

It's simple, it's not encrypted, and I can unplug in an instant and take it with me if I want.

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So far, it seems to do the net thing faster but it's taking me longer to write my reports 'cuz I'm struggling to figure out how the newer version of word works.

Yeah, I got Word 2010, and as Katen put it, it's like cooking in someone else's kitchen. It's really wonderful, though, once you do get used to it, especially the picture editing which is out of this world.

I also like how every time it starts, a picture of a nekkid lady comes up for a few seconds, and a different one every time at that.

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The main desktop for my pest control company crapped out about 2 weeks ago. I use Carbonite so all data was preserved. Decided to replace it with a Mac. All I can say is I doubt I will ever purchase another non-Mac. Took it out of the box plugged in the only cord there is (power) and went to work. No virus software needed cause they don't get them. Took the new Airport Extreme out of the box connected it to the cable modem and instant wireless network shared printers and all. Got an ipad for service tech to use in the field. Logs into the main destop from the field via LogMeIn, gets his schedule, and completes the service tickets as completed and emails invoice to client. My report writing software that I use for the inspection biz works in Word so my desktop and laptop for that company are pc's but I will soon replace them with Mac's and just run Bootcamp or switch to a server based product or Mac compatible product. Yes the initial investment is expensive but the stuff just works. My new iPhone 4 arrived Friday. I'm all in.

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I agree. Mac's where it's at.

I've been fiddling with Filemaker Go on an iPad; turn it on, it automatically finds my desktop back at the office, and when I input into the iPad, it runs out of the desktop.

When you factor in the cost of all the crapware you don't need with a Mac, it's really not expensive.

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One last KEEPER free software program - Jpeg Resizer. It's a priceless little program that fetches your photos from your camera or storage device, in bulk, while reducing them in to any file size you choose. It's great.

Ahem. Not exactly priceless. They are offering it to me for $19.95. [:)]

I have a free resizer program called VSO something. It is not flawless, as it skips some pics if you feed it a large batch. The search continues.

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The main desktop for my pest control company crapped out about 2 weeks ago. I use Carbonite so all data was preserved. Decided to replace it with a Mac. All I can say is I doubt I will ever purchase another non-Mac. Took it out of the box plugged in the only cord there is (power) and went to work. No virus software needed cause they don't get them. Took the new Airport Extreme out of the box connected it to the cable modem and instant wireless network shared printers and all. Got an ipad for service tech to use in the field. Logs into the main destop from the field via LogMeIn, gets his schedule, and completes the service tickets as completed and emails invoice to client. My report writing software that I use for the inspection biz works in Word so my desktop and laptop for that company are pc's but I will soon replace them with Mac's and just run Bootcamp or switch to a server based product or Mac compatible product. Yes the initial investment is expensive but the stuff just works. My new iPhone 4 arrived Friday. I'm all in.

Once you go 'Mac' you never go back.

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I'm so sick and tired of MS word 2010. I'm in the process of rewriting my report writer in Adobes Flex 4/Actionscript 3 which will port to everything that can run flash, the web, even my droid phone and all of the android tablets starting to hit the market, which are a lot cheaper then the iPad.

I think ol'apple shot themselves in the foot with their no flash crap, android(Google) is about ready to give them a wooping.

I too use Carbonite. It's saved me already several times. Also I use Jpegsizer everyday when writing reports.

Chris, Oregon

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I might have to rethink this backup drive. I'm really not technically astute and I'm scared to death that I'm going to somehow cause all that data to get locked inside that thing in encrypted form and I'll be totally screwed.



How much data is it that would make you screwed if you lost it? If it's under 8 Gig, buy a flash drive, save the vital data, then begin your experimenting with backup software.


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One last KEEPER free software program - Jpeg Resizer. It's a priceless little program that fetches your photos from your camera or storage device, in bulk, while reducing them in to any file size you choose. It's great.

Ahem. Not exactly priceless. They are offering it to me for $19.95. [:)]

I have a free resizer program called VSO something. It is not flawless, as it skips some pics if you feed it a large batch. The search continues.

Golly, that's a shame. It was free when I got it, and I haven't had a second's worth of trouble with it - like clockwork. Sorry.

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One last KEEPER free software program - Jpeg Resizer. It's a priceless little program that fetches your photos from your camera or storage device, in bulk, while reducing them in to any file size you choose. It's great.

Ahem. Not exactly priceless. They are offering it to me for $19.95. [:)]

I have a free resizer program called VSO something. It is not flawless, as it skips some pics if you feed it a large batch. The search continues.

My boxes still run XP....I use the Microsoft Powertoy resizer; it's free and it's just like Jpeg Resizer. Not sure if the new OS runs it. Another good reason to not upgrade to any new MS product.

Yep, ReSizer is now $20.

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I'm so sick and tired of MS word 2010. I'm in the process of rewriting my report writer in Adobes Flex 4/Actionscript 3 which will port to everything that can run flash, the web, even my droid phone and all of the android tablets starting to hit the market, which are a lot cheaper then the iPad.

I think ol'apple shot themselves in the foot with their no flash crap, android(Google) is about ready to give them a wooping.

I too use Carbonite. It's saved me already several times. Also I use Jpegsizer everyday when writing reports.

Chris, Oregon

I was going to buy an iPad, but read the reviews on BestBuy's site RE the lack of flash, and opted not to get one. I'm sure it's been debated as nauseum by folks more in the know than us, but you DO have to wonder why Apple would create a web device that doesn't work with lots of sites.

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but you DO have to wonder why Apple would create a web device that doesn't work with lots of sites.

No you don't. There's specific reasons, all having to do with controlling the medium. Apple's control freakiness is one of the reasons all their stuff works.

On one hand, no flash sucks. On another hand, how many times have other people had stuff hang up with varying versions of Flash?

I've had it happen a lot. Most of the time, I shut flash off. It's another MS hairball pain in the ass AFAIC.

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