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Blanke Permat Underlayment ??

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Seeking some input/observations on an underlayment product such as:  Blanke Permat

I'm in the process of removing some old tile in our house and will be replacing with new tile that my wife likes much better  -  😉 

I've come across several strips of a filament strip that had been put over some existing cracks when that tile was installed likely about 20 or so years ago.

Our house was built in 1982 and is slab on grade. Only had two tiles with physical cracks at door from utility room to garage. I also had an elevation survey done on the house this past spring and nothing of note to be concerned about.  I just wanted the report for a benchmark for my files.

Typical North Texas black, clay gumbo that shrinks and expands with more/less moisture.  I do have a foundation soaker line in place that I use about the house when I notice that the soil is pulling away, but usually only see that with 95+ degree days for a week at a time.

Anyway ... all that, for some background, to ask for y'all's observations on the product such as Blanke Permat.  That type of underlayment versus using filament tape over each discreet crack in the slab?

Blanke Permat Underlayment

Edited by Nolan Kienitz
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