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Les's 2009 Tulip Report

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I know a few of you have been waiting for my annual complaints about my office garden and crappy tulips. Soooo here are a couple of photos from today. Need I say more?

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I suppose there are a few Rebels that have some flowers to gaze upon.

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Aw heck, Les

If you want to see tulips, come on out to Washington State for the annual Skagit Valley Tulip Festival. They're a little late this year, you can view a bloom map at the link. However, even though it was snowing in a few places here last week, the temp was 70°F yesterday, so they should be blooming any danged second now.

From there, you can drive another 40 miles up to Bellingham and hop on a ferry for a day trip to Victoria, BC; or, come really late in the month and bring your camping gear so you can camp aboard ship, and you could plan to make the first spring departure from Bellingham on June 3rd and take an Alaskan Marine Highway trip up through the inside passage to Skagway and stop off in a few Alaskan towns along the way. Check out their videos.



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Our Tulips have come and gone! Dogwoods and Redbud trees are in their final glory. We had a warm and early Spring........

Now, the forecast for today and tonight is not real Spring like! Snow showers with 1-2 inch accumulation in middle TN! Then it will be in the mid 70's in a couple of days!

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Shoot them, you must, Yoda.

OT - OF!!!


Well, that's my initial thought, but it's funny how upset folks in the city get when you start blazing away at animals in your backyard.

I have an aversion to my alley being filled with squads and blinking blue lights, and official people shouting things like "....step away from the garden with your hands where we can see them......"

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Shoot them, you must, Yoda.

OT - OF!!!


Well, that's my initial thought, but it's funny how upset folks in the city get when you start blazing away at animals in your backyard.

I have an aversion to my alley being filled with squads and blinking blue lights, and official people shouting things like "....step away from the garden with your hands where we can see them......"

Yeah, but just think of the adreneline rush; especially if you put on some body armor before you go out plinking at that rodent.

"He's wearing body armor - aim for his head and legs!"




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In the People's Republic of Evanston, about as far left as civilization get's ('cept for Hyde Park), it's illegal to have an air rifle within city limits.

If one used it, you'd be getting some serious thrashing from the local constabulary and judicial system. High density lifestyles and guns of any sort just don't mix well, largely if not completely due to our children having been denied proper gun handling and safety lessons in kindergarten. Maybe I should run for School Board on that platform......

I've been looking at some really nice one's from the Czech Republic. Those folks understand air rifles........

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Nobody in Nashville's afraid of a grown man with a pellet gun. I can't see law enforcement bothering people with pellet guns.


Oh Lordy, that would earn me a thorough house search and seizure if anyone reported it. Sooner or later, word would get around the neighborhood and it'd be hell to pay.

Honest. The Nashville filter parameters don't apply in this operating system.

That's why I have to go places outside the city on occasion and shoot at stuff.

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