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Artography - Steel Bridge

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I have not posted any good HI stuff in awhile so I thought I would show something else. This is the inside of a part of a steel truss bridge near my S. side hood. Some of the best pictures are where you can't fit your head but can still stick your camera.

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I crave more sharpness in that picture.

It reminds me of the interior of a subway car.

- Jim Katen, Oregon

That is a common criticism and I too wish it was sharper. I may have to try this one again some day.

I find myself throughout an inspection having to toggle between "close up", "Landscape", "museum", etc. settings to get photos to show as I need them too. Most of the time "auto" does the trick, but not always. Sometimes it's difficult for digital cameras, with a photo like yours, to establish what the object to focus on is. In such cases, you have to give it some direction.

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Some of the best pictures are where you can't fit your head but can still stick your camera.

That's what I overheard at my colonoscopy. [:-bigeyes

Our family physician is all over me, like a wet coat of paint, to have this done.

I'm thinking not, ain't gonna happen, and I don't care what the consequences are. I'm just fine, thank you.

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Some of the best pictures are where you can't fit your head but can still stick your camera.

That's what I overheard at my colonoscopy. [:-bigeyes

Our family physician is all over me, like a wet coat of paint, to have this done.

I'm thinking not, ain't gonna happen, and I don't care what the consequences are.

Aww.. It's not so bad. But, they did tell me it was a semi-conscious deal. Next thing I knew I was in the recovery room not remembering a dang thing and wondering what I might have uttered. No doubt they've seen and heard it all in there. [:-party] But, I have to admit, I'm thankful that it's only recommended every 5 years or so. And, getting prepared for it is a WHOLE lot worse than the actual event. Get a big box of baby wipes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Forget TP ever existed.

Once the consequences have arrived, Terry, suddenly hind sight becomes 20/20.

Go get it done brother McCann. Sarge says so. I can see him throwing the box of tissues at you already.

[talk about thread drift....]

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Hey Terry,

I had my first last year and they found and removed a hand grenade size growth. My wife thought it was my head at first glance.

Get it done. It is worth it to tell the story!

See, Terry.

Can you imagine TIJ without Les? I certainly can't.

Do this!

PS. And be sure to post your experience so we can all knit together some hilarious story laden thread complete with a proverbial group hug - in the plumbing - yeah, that's the ticket.

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