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Advice for one who would like to become Inspectors


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Best advice I can give is to have spouse with a really good job!

You are also in MS, so you will need to get a license. You will need to meet the state requirements, which are education, pass the NHIE, obtain GL insurance and E&O insurance. Then in order to inspect new homes in MS you will need to pass the home builders exam to obtain the NH designation on your license. You really need to have this?..

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  • 4 months later...

That definitely requires a long winded answer and it also depends on your situation and how far a long you are in the process right now. I definitely think that one should work for a reputable company and make it your business to learn as much as humanly possible about the home inspection process, learn all the ins and outs of the industry. It's one thing to work for a licensed home inspector and collect a paycheck but it is an entirely other subject altogether to go into it and go about your days with the intent of actually starting up your own business. Learn the ropes. I would suggest keeping a notebook with you on your day-to-day adventures, whenever you see something, learn something or something crosses your mind whether it be about codes or general business related stuff jot it down. I would recommend you think about naming your company and getting a domain name before you even start your home inspection business. For example I went out and registered and got my website registered and built out before I got licensed as a NYS home inspector and officially started doing home inspections on Long Island for myself. I did this purely for motivational purposes and to be ahead of the curve. Every time I would see my website I would be reminded of what I was shooting for. Then about 3 years before I even thought about opening up my own business I set aside a separate fund. I went to my bank and I setup a percentage to come out of my paycheck each and every week from now on. The amount was very small it was only 10% but by the time 3 years had passed boy did that sum grow! I was able to use the money that I set aside in this way to fund my new business entirely. Of course during this time I still had another 10% that was going into a separate account that I never touched at all, which is a personal preference and something I have done since I was 16. I should also note however that I set an official date a year before that i was planning to start my home inspection company. After I set that date, something clicked in my mind and I worked like stink day and night. I started taking on sidejobs landscaping and some carpentry and earning and saving money however I could for the next year. Also, plan on simplifying your life for a couple years and really drilling down deep into your business. You need to actively work in and on your business and keep your eye on ball and stay focused. Lastly and most importantly, develop a marketing strategy. Start to think how you are going to market your business. Whether that might be going door to door to real estate offices and/or scheduling presentations or marketing yourself online. You can choose one or the other or pick what you feel the most comfortable with but this can and will make or break you. I did my due diligence when starting out and found a marketing company that knows the home inspection industry that got me started doing an extra 10-20 home inspections a month and now on some months I do as many as 35 home inspections because of them alone! Don't fool yourself, marketing yourself effectively will be the most important part of your business. Also, if you've been comforting yourself by reading the 4 hour work week, burn it! :)

A. Mancuso


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  • 4 weeks later...

This site has been up for almost 14 years and that question has been asked her dozens of times and been answered. You want to know anything about this business, just go to each forum and scroll back through the posts and you'll not only learn about the business; you'll learn how to do the business.



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I think some part of ability to start up and survive in this business has alot to do with location of doing business. Some areas have a constant big demand for home inspections. My area is like that. Other areas have ebbs and flows and even flat out depressions sometimes. Inspectors who have been in business for a long time can survive these fluctuations. It's more difficult for new start ups.

My advice is be as independent as possible as soon as possible. Make yourself, then nobody else can break you.

BTW, this forum was the best of all assets to me when I entered this gig.

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The state required training (where regulated) is very minimal throughout the country so the best inspectors are self trained. If you're not the sort to learn on your own then maybe you don't want to work here.

Collusion between agents and inspectors is rampant. By collusion, I mean inspectors who solicit agents for referrals. It betrays your client because you've opened the door to the influence of the agent and the interest of the agent conflicts with the interest of the buyer in regard to choice of inspector. You'll need to decide whether you want to give up your ethics and become quickly successful or remain true to folks you work for and perhaps not enter this gig in the first place.

As Jim K said, learn to write. I'm not aware of any state regulation anywhere that mandates training in how to write reports but that's half of the service you will render as home inspector. Go figure.


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  • 1 year later...

I can second the notion of having a spouse with a good job. Not because you won't make money in this profession but because if you are serious about building your business it WILL take time and there WILL be times where you are extremely slow - especially in the beginning. Having a spouse that's understanding who has a good job is invaluable.



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My spouse was kind of understanding for the first two years, but it took me 7 to get it going. Starting in 06, in an area where client's didn't know the difference between an appraiser vs HI, not sucking up to the Realtor run area, all didn't help.

My dad hung in there on my side. Had our house paid off. Everything paid off. $750 retirement. Obama care, eventually. That helped.

Oh, and the first 4+ years I studied this stuff like crazy.

It's been the toughest thing I've ever done and I started at the tender age of 53 after getting downsized by my wonderful employers.

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