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Okay, here's a cool item from my collection that I'll just try to sell here; it's something I think home inspectors would have a special interest in.

It's a document from July 25th, 1889. The heading reads "Office Of Inspector of Buildings". It cites Jas. Hull Cube, Esq, of 772 Central Ave, Cincinnati, Ohio for an unsafe chimney.

The body of the notice reads, in print and some filled-in script: "You will please take notice that the chimney situated on the rear of the lot on the east side of Central Avenue nearby approx.. Dayton Street and known as 772 Central Avenue in the city of Cincinnati has been reported to me as unsafe and dangerous in the following respects, to wit:"

Then, in script alone: "The chimney is badly cracked by reason of settlement, throwing the weight and strain of said chimney against building and should any further settlement occur would probably fall and carry part of building with it. You are thereby required to immediately take down and rebuild same in a substantial manner."

Last paragraph reads, in print and script: "You will also take notice that unless you immediately certify to the Inspector of Buildings your assent or refusal to take down and rebuild the same, the Inspector of Buildings will proceed, as the law directs, and all costs and expenses incurred therein will become a lien on said building."

Bottom of doc is signed by Chas. A. Lookes, asst Inspector of Buildings. (I think Charles may have started inspector-speak.)

The document is faded, and has some very small tears at the edges of the folds. It measure 8.5" wide by 14" tall. At the top, there is a round logo with a sword, a balance scale, and what appears to be a medical-type logo ? a staff with snakes wrapped around it, and the logo reads JUNCTA JUVANT (Latin for strength in unity). This round logo is found on Ohio's state flag.

This is really cool, and I hate to part with it. Bidding starts at $20 if anyone is interested. You can open-bid here, or you can send me an email with your bid; jerry@illinoisbuildinginspection.com

I've attached a few picts which hopefully show most of the document.

Thanks all.

Click to Enlarge


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Just a note.....

Officially there's not supposed to be sales in here. That said, this stuff is so darn cool, I think an exception is easily warranted in this case.

Is everyone cool with that? (I'm assuming yes because Chad's a mod.)

I just wanted to keep it all up front.


I thought that was what the "For Sale or Swap" forum was for. Us to get rid of stuff.

As long as it ain't some yahoo from outside, no problem.

And, as Kurt said, "this stuff is so darn cool"


From a time when penmanship was still a valued skill.

Look at how he wrote his "ands." It's like a hybrid between spelling out the word "and" and making an ampersand. I had always thought that the ampersand was a stylized version of the latin "et." (And Wikipedia agrees with me.) But this looks like there was some kind of bizarre hybrid between "and" and "&" at one time.

Or maybe it was just his personal habit.


Just a note.....

Officially there's not supposed to be sales in here. That said, this stuff is so darn cool, I think an exception is easily warranted in this case.

Is everyone cool with that? (I'm assuming yes because Chad's a mod.)

I just wanted to keep it all up front.

Nothing prohibiting it in the Rules and Guidelines. This forum description states: "Private sale or swap only! Property sold here should be home inspection related. Commercial entities in the business of selling equipment to home inspectors may not sell their wares here."

From a time when penmanship was still a valued skill.

Look at how he wrote his "ands." It's like a hybrid between spelling out the word "and" and making an ampersand. I had always thought that the ampersand was a stylized version of the latin "et." (And Wikipedia agrees with me.) But this looks like there was some kind of bizarre hybrid between "and" and "&" at one time.

Or maybe it was just his personal habit.

It's a handwriting style of the period. Some folks wrote some 3-letter words like "and" & "the", vertically or canted.

Nothing prohibiting it in the Rules and Guidelines. This forum description states: "Private sale or swap only! Property sold here should be home inspection related. Commercial entities in the business of selling equipment to home inspectors may not sell their wares here."

Thanks. I reread the rules (again)...... I was mistaken.

Yes, the handwriting. It's beautiful. I'm so out of practice, my writing is illegible.


Hey Jerry,

I agree with Bill K that this is an allowed activity. I have spent part of this winter in the barn moving old stuff around; knob and tube fixtures, wires, switches etc. I have some old plaster colors, lead, mercury. asbestos etc.

I would love to have the document, but - - - -

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