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Hotel Henry Conference Center,

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That place is awesome! We've stayed at historic hotels in Buffalo, but somehow we've missed this one.

It takes a while for me to get all the approvals necessary from NY. If you're serious, ( and I hope you are) send me a couple course outlines and I'll get the paperwork going.

It'll be an extravaganza!


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Les (Mr. Smooth) shows up and steals all the women.

I'd really like to see this building - an excellent story of preservation/adaptive reuse.

I also want to see Buffalo.   Dad was born and raised there and started his engineering career at Becco Chemicals.  Grandpa Kibbel was a plumber at Niagara Hydroelectric.

I just recently discovered my Great Grandfather was the plumbing inspector for Buffalo for about 25 years.  He also taught advanced plumbing and heating and wrote a book on plumbing.  It turns out I've already read his articles in The Journal of Plumbing and Heating and Mechanical Contracting and Plumbing including the article I read decades ago that really helped me understand gravity hot water heating.  


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2 hours ago, Bill Kibbel said:

Les (Mr. Smooth) shows up and steals all the women.

I'd really like to see this building - an excellent story of preservation/adaptive reuse.

I also want to see Buffalo.   Dad was born and raised there and started his engineering career at Becco Chemicals.  Grandpa Kibbel was a plumber at Niagara Hydroelectric.

I just recently discovered my Great Grandfather was the plumbing inspector for Buffalo for about 25 years.  He also taught advanced plumbing and heating and wrote a book on plumbing.  It turns out I've already read his articles in The Journal of Plumbing and Heating and Mechanical Contracting and Plumbing including the article I read decades ago that really helped me understand gravity hot water heating.  


That's Fantastic!

We're going to make this a *thing*. 


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I think we can make the numbers work. 

Bill has contributed tons of ideas. Between us we contacted:

Kenny Hart, Glen Mathewson, John Bouldin, Frank Woeste, Don Norman, Lstiburek and Joe Tedesco, I'd love to have Douglas Hansen if I can convince him to come. 

If you guys have any suggestions for presenters, please post them here and we'll consider them. 

The venue will provide 24 hours of ASHI, NY, MA, and by default, PA CEU's. Working on CT, NJ and OH.

If there are vendors you'd like to come, share those thoughts. This is a chance to build the conference you want to attend.

Room rates at the Henry are reduced to $130 with free parking.

If we pull it off, the conference will provide breakfast, beverage service for the day(s), and a nice lunch.

Tentatively planned for late February, early March 2020     

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Everything sounds good.  I would really like to convince Mike Twitty and Jim Katen to both attend and present.  I envision this entire event as a very congenial exchange of information in the form of education.  Everyone should leave their ego at the door and be prepared to be amazed!

As you know I have unconventional ideas as to what constitutes education and testing.  Recall the old days when we talked about a Travelin' circus of inspectors.  Several times I started to put together a symposium of home inspectors and never finished it.  

One concept I feel strongly about is this should not be a simple rehash of other venues and presenters.

Please add me to the communication between you and Bill.  


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One concept I feel strongly about is this should not be a simple rehash of other venues and presenters.

We have the dates set- March 21-23 at Hotel Henry.  Les, this going to be 24 hours of real education-  zero fluff.  

Proving the commitment to quality, Bill Kibbel is on board.  Speakers to be announced as they confirm. 

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This is a little embarrassing. The dates are actually March 20-22nd. Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Jerry,  I'm almost positive that I will sit this one out. I have no desire to follow or open for Kibbel or Katen.   I'll arrive with 8 hours ready as a back-up plan.  But hopefully, I'll be able to watch and learn.

We have one speaker tentatively scheduled- I've been to several of his presentations and he's very smart and just as entertaining. Waiting on a quote from two of the most respected individuals in the building science and energy conservation categories.

Once we decide on a final line-up, we'll put it up here.       

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