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Terence McCann

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My thought; If it is low enough to see with a camera on a pole, it is low enough to walk. Also, if the pitch was too steep, binoculars would tell you more than that camera.

Not to say I am not open to new ways of inspecting, I just can't see that as all that useful.

What we need is terraserver with higher resolution and updated every week (or maybe not, that's kind of scary).

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I'd want to try it out before passing judgment.

However . . . taking the fun quotient into consideration, strapping on one of those new, inexpensive digital movie cameras to one of the babies below might prove a little more gratifying.

http://www.bananahobby.com/electric-rc- ... pters.html

Oh those are really cool!

Thanks a lot - I'm such a sucker for toys.

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I'd want to try it out before passing judgment.

However . . . taking the fun quotient into consideration, strapping on one of those new, inexpensive digital movie cameras to one of the babies below might prove a little more gratifying.


My sister bought me one for Christmas last year. I'm may be near fifty but I'm still her baby brother. Ironically it lasted until today.

We have a darling, truly lovable Staffordshire terrier aka pit bull. She's a true sweetheart but she is one giant muscle and when she's not groggy from sleeping 23 hours a day she's fast and focused.

Anyway.. she's on her bed in my office and I buzz her with the helicopter. She opened an eye and watched it like it was a juicy rabbit. I buzzed her again and clipped her nose with the rotor. Then it was on. She took a couple hits on the nose and then she got serious.

Damn, she's fast and my copter is officially broken.

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I couldn't see buying one of these, but there are times when I have desperately wished I had a periscope to peer just a couple more feet over an edge or around a corner. Sometimes the 32' ladder isn't quite enough or wires prevent using it.

I've never seen a good professional quality periscope, has anyone else run across one that was really worth latching onto?

Those little helos they make these days are amazing. I started working at the local airport part time on the ramp (directing and fueling aircraft) while working on my pilot's license. One of the other students gave us ramp guys one to play with. They're just like the real deal, but wouldn't stand up to a K-9.

If anyone has run across a really GOOD and USEFUL periscope, I'd love to hear about it.

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Yeah, Nolan! That's the ticket, but on a much smaller scale.

I actually carry a regular bathroom hand mirror which I use now and then to see in attics and around corners in conjunction with my camera.

I also use it to employ sunlight to inspect flues from the rooftop - beats any candle power light on the market. (still carry a million candle light though. They're fantastic.)

It sure comes in handy.

At any rate, again, if anyone has seen an inspector quality periscope, I want one!

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If anyone has run across a really GOOD and USEFUL periscope, I'd love to hear about it.


Until now, I'd never thought about it, but somewhere over in my storage I have a periscope that I'd liberated off a Chinese T69 main battle tank in Iraq during ODS in 1991.

I don't think it would be much good for this gig though; I don't think it can even focus at the distances we would use a periscope to do a home inspection.



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