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A Do-It-Yourselfer Does It Again - Oh Brother!

Ed Porter

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Most newer openers won't work without the optical sensors input.

It is MUCH easier to align them when they are only 16" or 24" apart than it is when they are the full width of the garage door apart.

(Install sarcasm emoticon here)

The BEST is to mount them on the same side of the rafter or truss the the sensors almost touching. They'll never give you alignment problems there.

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Somebody should inform that homeowner that if that garage door kills someone with those eyes up there that he could be subject to criminal prosecution for negligent manslaughter under federal law for intentionally violating 16CFR1211 and causing a death.

OT - OF!!!


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That could be a Sheetrock Ceiling Safety Device Model 6345 to stop the HVAC repairman or homeowner from steping or backing onto the sheetrock ceiling (See the floor boards), when he is doing repairs.

I have also seen these units used as a Attic Rodent Notifier, but is usual installed lower. (This must be a picture of a home from South America for they do have rodents that big).

I would still write up this application for non-complaince with NEC Code, concerning improper wire fasting.

See all the extra wire, this job must have been bid by the foot of wire installed.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

You know, I had planned to use the caption, "Gee Honey, I'm really sorry, but I have no idea why that door keeps killing the cats," but I thought better of it. You never know when some non-inspector - who just loves felines - might stumble onto that home page.

OT - OF!!!


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  • 1 year later...
Originally posted by hausdok

You know, I had planned to use the caption, "Gee Honey, I'm really sorry, but I have no idea why that door keeps killing the cats," but I thought better of it. You never know when some non-inspector - who just loves felines - might stumble onto that home page.

But then you could post the complaints, opening the door for all us TIJ wack-jobs to reply with our favorite uses-for-a-dead-cat jokes.

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That just brought back a memory, Richard. Back in 1973 I was living on East Main Street in Torrington, CT about 200 meters from a little downtown shopping center where there was a Chinese restaurant. I used to go over to the Dunkin Donuts every morning for coffee. One day a sign appeared on the front door of the Chinese Restaurant "Closed by order of the health department." There was an article in the paper that day or the next. Seems that cats had been going missing all over town and a garbage truck driver had discovered a bunch of cat heads and skins in that restaurant's dumpster. I moved away that year; I don't know if anyone was ever prosecuted for it or not.

Maybe they just moved to the other coast and maybe it isn't 'coyotes' that are the cause of all of the cats going missing in Seattle recently.

OT - OF!!!


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A kindergarten pupil told his teacher he'd found a cat. She asked if it was dead or alive.

He informed his teacher that the cat was dead.

"How do you know?" she asked.

"Because I pissed in his ear and it didn't move," said the child innocently.

"You did WHAT?!?" the teacher squealed in surprise.

"You know," explained the boy, "I leaned over and went 'pssst' and he didn't move."

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That's cute Erby,

When I was about 3, we lived on the second floor of a 3 story walkup, downtown. There were full length back porches where the moms hung out the laundry on clothes lines. We had a yellow tiger cat named Tom-Tom. Somewhere I overheard someone say how a cat always lands on its feet when it falls. Being 3, I decided to test that theory. I walked outside, found old Tom-Tom sleeping in his favorite spot on the back porch and hauled him up to the third floor, shoved a wood beer case over against the porch parapet, climbed up on top with a great deal of difficulty while maintaining control of that poor cat, leaned over, and dropped him. Sure enough, Tom-Tom landed on his feet; whereupon, I went down those stairs as fast as I could, rounded him up, and did it again, and again.

The poor old guy was a Mensch. He never complained, never clawed me, just let me do it. Something happened on the third go, 'cuz when I got there that time there was a bunch of blood. I picked him up, hauled him upstairs, and plunked him on my mother's lap. She was sitting there with a couple of other folks - don't know who - and all hell broke loose. I got my bottom soundly paddled, which is why I think I remember the incident so well, and Tom-Tom disappeared for a few days. When the old guy returned he avoided me for a loooong time. Cats have always regarded me with a certain sense of distrust. I'm convinced they have some kind of telekenetic news system and keep records of such things. On the other hand, dogs just love me - even the ones that folks are afraid of.

The things you never forget.

How's that for thread drift?

OT - OF!!!


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