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What's the downside of putting it in the report?

"There's an old pot growing operation in the attic. There's pot residue and leaves in the house. I have no idea if this is a problem for the house, but there may be some other legal or health ramification I'm not aware of. I'm not even sure who you should talk to about it (possibly your attorney?), but thought you should know."

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Since the borders have tightened up, domestic production has increased. I found one large attic completely lined with aluminum foil and packed with about 40 plants. The buyer was hoping it was included with the sale of the home - mortgage payments were gonna be pretty steep.

This house is just about 5 miles away: http://blogs.phillyburbs.com/news/intel ... on-busted/

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Kind of strange, just the other day a realtor was telling me about their new SOP's, and she mentioned that drug manufacturing knowledge is supposed to be disclosed by the seller. I can't remember if it was just for meth, or any illegal drug. But, that's here is Illinois, where the seller's disclosure doesn't mean much anyway.

Did you look for/find a stack of cash?


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