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Name that roof

Ben H

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I can't tell from the pics.

What was it like up close?

If it looked like the stuff that tire inner tubes are made from, it was EPDM.

If it was stiffer & shiny and looked like it had a woven fabric laminated inside the plastic it might be PVC or TPO, but those are almost always white.

If it was thick, it was probably an uncoated modified bitumen.

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epdm. It looks like there's a factory seam (to make continuous rolls) in a couple of your pics. We've installed several of these on low slope areas. It comes in 60 mil and 45mil. 45 mil is what you can get from Menards and is actually much harder to work with as well as not as durable.

We've always used contact cement to instal the stuff and never had any recalls.

Did it appear to be glued down? From the pics it's hard to tell if there are wrinkles or those are "stains" from the shingle.

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Also, it looks like it might be unsupported where it discharges onto the shingle roof.

What's the purpose of the dummy dormer, other than to look goofy?

It's probably just a bad case of dormeritus. No cure that I know of.


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Yeah, when I checked for felt paper on the roof, none to be found. I can't imagine they took the time to install the rubber correctly, or even semi-correctly if they couldn't do something as simple as a felt. Thats what 550,000 will get you these days.

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I may never have seen a properly installed EPDM membrane, because I've never seen it glued down so that it can't move.

There are special glues available, but the roofers keep forgetting that little detail. Here's a couple of pics of shameful use of EPDM roofing.

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