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Any one else get this in their email?

Terence McCann

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Dear Terence,

The Examining Board of Professional Home Inspectors (EBPHI) is inviting you to participate in an important survey. This survey, a role delineation survey, is a part of the process of defining the evolving role and responsibilities of a professional home inspector. The information that you provide will provide the basis for determining the content and structure of the National Home Inspector Examination?.

In preparing this role delineation survey, a task force of your peers has identified the knowledge that is potentially required by minimally qualified candidates. This survey will provide feedback from professional home inspectors regarding their daily roles. This is standard for test development and provides the basis for our exam to be both legally defensible and psychometrically sound.

We respect and value your time and commitment. The survey will take approximately 60 minutes to complete. All responses are confidential. No individual responses will be released. Reports generated are aggregated totals of those who respond. If you are not able to complete the entire survey in one sitting, you will be able to log out of the system and return as often as you need.

Your participation in this effort is invaluable in defining professional home inspection for the next five years. This is your opportunity to ensure what you do as a professional home inspector is included. Please take the time to participate in your profession.

The survey will open August 30, 2012. Please respond by September 16, 2012.

To begin the survey, please click on the link below:

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I got it. I haven't looked at the survey yet, but this line in the email got my attention: "This survey, a role delineation survey, is a part of the process of defining the evolving role and responsibilities of a professional home inspector."

I'm wondering what role the EBPHI has in determining the role and responsibilities of home inspectors.

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I got it. I haven't looked at the survey yet, but this line in the email got my attention: "This survey, a role delineation survey, is a part of the process of defining the evolving role and responsibilities of a professional home inspector."

I'm wondering what role the EBPHI has in determining the role and responsibilities of home inspectors.

EBPHI isn't determining our role; you are by your answers.

For instance, if a significant number of you were to report that they routinely inspect swimming pools as part of a normal home inspection, the EBPHI panel would need to include questions about swimming pools in the NHIE.

As technology changes, new stuff gets added. If a significant portion of inspectors were to report that they routinely inspect radiant heating system controls where there used to only be a very small percentage that reported that in previous studies, the team would probably add questions about radiant heating system controls to the test.



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So far I've been dissed as well.[?]

I'm even a former ASHI member (thus have taken the NHIE), participated in development metric testing for new NHIE tests and Chicago and lots of input over year's past ... guess I'm on the outer fringes for input anymore.

Oh well ...

Maybe it's a random selection rather than every HI in the country.

I'll say this...These survey guys know what the heck they're doing. It's a bright spot in an otherwise basically dismal portrait of our profession with it's ethics ,associations, etc.


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Nolan, yer too old!

Scott, yer too busy!

Kurt, yer too skeptical!

Eric, yer from Indiana - nuf said.

Me? I got it and will sell it to the highest bidder!

edit: too late, I have completed it! I'll wait and maybe post after other have completed theirs and had some time to think about it.


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How am I skeptical.....(?) I get mountains of email.....it automatically went into a junk folder.

I thanx to gmail archiving, I went in and found it, completed it.

It could have been simplified mightily in the main section to essentially "how important are descriptions of systems, safety, and maintenance,?", and "how important is technical knowledge of components and how they all fit together and work?". "Please write a short paragraph describing how and why you think the way you do".

Of course, writing a paragraph is a non-starter, and thoughtful reflection can't be turned into 4 color pie charts and bar graphs.

I have a very dim view of the importance of system description, how I inspected the roof, what kind of countertops, etc. Almost as bad is the interminable maintenance and safety stuff that gets tagged to everything; no one ever does a tenth of what's recommended, and if it gets undertaken, it's by some 3rd or 4th party contractor that goes off on tangents.

In my reports, to a very large degree, the critical technical things are intertwined and joined at the hip with the safety and maintenance stuff, so trying to delineate how much importance I attached to either in their repetitive question structure got really tiresome.

Whether or not useful information can be derived from that is debatable.

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Nolan, yer too old!

Scott, yer too busy!

Kurt, yer too skeptical!

Eric, yer from Indiana - nuf said.

Me? I got it and will sell it to the highest bidder!

edit: too late, I have completed it! I'll wait and maybe post after other have completed theirs and had some time to think about it.


I'm not totally sure what that means but if my wife would let me, I'd move us to Michigan somewhere.

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I got it but I'm not spending the estimated 60 minutes of my life to fill it out.

The work these guys do is vital. They probably spent a lot of time with a psychometrician trying to come up with this survey, then there's the web guys that were hired to put it all online, for our convenience. I encourage you to not only do the survey but do it as accurately as you can.


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I got it but I'm not spending the estimated 60 minutes of my life to fill it out.

Considering the fact that about a dozen seasoned inspectors put their businesses on hold, and then lose out on business revenue, while they go to Chicago or someplace else and hole up in a hotel for about three days, doing the best they can do to provide us with the most current and relevant test that they can, in order for this profession to maintain some semblance of credibility - and they aren't compensated for it - spending sixty minutes to help them focus their efforts a little better on behalf of all of us doesn't seem like such a large sacrifice.



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I urge all of you to give EBPHI a call or email and get your name on what they call their SME list. SME stands for Subject Matter Expert and they are the folks that actually write the test questions for the exams, they also have the help of professional test folks in the process. I know several on this thread have been SME's. The pay is non-existent, the food is very good at the meetings, and the relationships and knowledge you will build and gain from the process is priceless!

Also when the call goes out for new board members you should consider putting your name in the hat. They rotate 1-2 folks off almost every year. Most serve for 6 years on the board. Again the pay is non-existent, the food is always great, the meeting locations are nice and interesting, the knowledge you will gain is priceless, and the relationships you will build with inspectors from the US and Canada will be more than you could ever imagine.

Most of all complete the study and send it back in....

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