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Electrical Inspection of Existing Dwellings


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OK Folks,

It's time to start whining to the spouse about what you want for Christmas and here it is. Douglas Hansen, Jim Katen and Redwood Kardon have revised and updated Electrical Inspections of Existing Dwellings.

Pre-sale orders will get 10% off the electronic edition and free shipping on the print edition. Get your pre-sale order in now for delivery In January of 2013.

Well, what are you waiting for? Click the friggin link NOW!




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I just ordered the eBook. Oddly, I didn't get the 10% discount. No big deal, but I found it odd that there was an incorrectly spelled word in the paragraph describing the early-order discounts: The book will be available in both print (black and white) form and in an electronic edition (color). Pre-orders now recieve (sic)10% off on the electronic edition, or free shipping on the print edition.

Admittedly, I'm pretty anal about spelling issues!

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Mike - Thank you for posting this. I have been working day and night on this project since late September. The most time-consuming part is the extensive research into code histories for each significant item covered in the book.

The price of 44.95 for the electronic version is 10% less than what the initial price will be when we begin delivery and shipment. The eBook and the print book will sell for 49.95 in January, and shipping will be charged on print purchases made then. The book is more than twice the size of the previous edition, which sold for 49.95.

The eBook will enable readers to see the photos in color, and will have some search capability, though bookmarks will be the primary navigation tool. Unlike Code Check eBooks, it will not have links to the actual code sections. That only works for ICC codes, not the NEC. The printed book will have the photos in gray-scale, and they are all being painstakingly optimized in photoshop for the clearest possible reproduction.

People who pre-order the electronic book will be given updates as they come along, and we will make some accommodation as well for folks for folks who pre-order in print (possibly addendums).

I really appreciate the support of everyone who is pre-ordering it. You are the ?sponsors? of this endeavor. Thank you.

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  • 2 months later...

We are working our behinds off on this; it has turned into a much larger project than previously imagined. The electronic version might be available as early as Monday, and then it's off to the printer. We are cutting off the pre-sale (49.95) pricing this weekend, and then it will go to the full price (59.95 plus shipping).

Mark and others - I really appreciate your advance order and your help here. This is a "crowd-funded" publication. I could not possibly have taken the time to work on it without advance orders. Thank you.

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How is the eBook version delivered? Is it downloaded to my iPad like Kindle?

Or, is it a .pdf?

It is a (large) PDF. Unfortunately, the security program we are using renders PDFs inaccessible on iPads. They work on MACs or PCs, like the Code Check eBooks. If the iPad had a program that was truly an Adobe version of Reader or Acrobat then it would work there, but I don't think they do. We weren't able to do it on a test iPad using GoodReader.

The book will eventually wind up in the Apple bookstore, though that is another licensing project, and will lag at least a couple of weeks behind the pdf version.

If you are buying it primarily for the iPad, you might be better off with print.


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When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the dBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook?

He should have never said "as early as (last) Monday"......

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When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the dBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook? When can we get the eBook?

He should have never said "as early as (last) Monday"......

Very good, Kurt, but your birthday must have short-circuited your patience. [;)]

I'm up on you by a few years so maybe my "patience tolerance level" has extended a bit more already.

Actually, I've been wondering the same thing, just didn't do what you did and I thank you for that !!!

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I received this email tonight and thought I would share, with those of you that might not have:

I am very sorry for the seemingly endless delays in publication of Electrical Inspection of Existing Dwellings.

There were many aspects to creating this book, including research, writing, editing, acquiring photos, illustrating, and layout. It?s the last one that has turned out to be so time consuming. We are now very close, and at the present rate of production we will have it ready for final edits this weekend, and to the printer on Monday, April 1. That will mean electronic versions on the 1st, and mail copies starting to go out on the 3rd.

Please understand that the delays have not been for lack of effort on our part. The problem was my inability to realistically estimate how long each part of the project would take (the same problem I had as a contractor).

I really appreciate your support of the project in advance of the book; there wasn't another way I could possibly have taken the time for this if people hadn't been willing to sponsor it.

Thank you

Douglas Hansen

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