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Tool Vest


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Yes. Don't get a vest. You'll look like a wiener. (Sorry, I'm biased against that whole "Mr. Inspector Gadget" look.)

If you gotta have a vest, I saw one @ REI the other day. Fishing vests also work pretty good; I used to wear one, until one day I saw my reflection in a large mirror; got rid of it right then.

Cargo pants; big pockets, $15 a pair.

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ya can get 'em at the nearly new store for $4.00

I am with Kurt regarding vests. I have always used a small briefcase and all five pockets of my trousers. My standard uniform is RedWing boots, pressed jeans, Polo shirt, sweater in winter and shoe covers. Funny, I have never won any fashion awards. Forgot about the folding reading glasses and watch, halfway up my left arm.

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Just found this one.

https://www.duluthtrading.com/search/se ... _8&kw=vest

What the heck is someone carrying around all the time that would require a vest or tool belt?

Surefire, Protim. Meter, 10 in 1 screwdriver, 12' tape measure, telescoping mirror, 3-light tester

Too much for pants pockets, but just enough for a small pouch on a belt.

Its a physical thing for me. Sounds weird, but I think wearing my belt so much is rubbing and pinching nerves through my hips--my legs and hips ache when I wear my belt too much

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I was that way when I started. Now Most of the time all I carry is a flashlight and my electrical testers. I set up where when I do the electrical panel and cooling systems I stop by my tool bag which will be in the kitchen where my laptop is setup for my note taking.

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If you can't put it in a pocket or carry it by hand then your haulin to much stuff trooper.

Travel light. Don't worry about going back out to your rig to get something. Believe me any savings you think you made in being efficient will be blown as soon as you open your mouth and start talking to your client, any agents or the seller etc.

Chris, Oregon

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I find wearing a vest extremely useful when doing an apartment building. Moisture meter pouch, extra flashlight battery, cell phone, tape measure, etc. Ain't gonna lug around a tool bag to each apartment, especially when I can't keep my eye on it. If I look like a wiener, the tenant can bite me.

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I'm not much on the wiener look, either. I wear a fairly large North Face fanny pack(I'm sure there's a less nerdy name, but I can't think of it). It has plenty of room for a camera, digital recorder, Strion, electrical testers, and a screwdriver/probe. One really nifty feature is that it can be zipped closed when you're in an attic or crawlspace, so you don't have to worry about stuff falling out. I hopped out of an attic once and realized my camera had fallen out of my pocket. I must have spent thirty minutes digging through blown-in insulation before I found the bloody thing.

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Its a physical thing for me. Sounds weird, but I think wearing my belt so much is rubbing and pinching nerves through my hips--my legs and hips ache when I wear my belt too much

Quit carrying a wallet.

I wear a fairly large North Face fanny pack(I'm sure there's a less nerdy name, but I can't think of it).


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Originally posted by randynavarro

Its a physical thing for me. Sounds weird, but I think wearing my belt so much is rubbing and pinching nerves through my hips--my legs and hips ache when I wear my belt too much

Not weird @ all; it's been shown in several studies to be very bad for sciatic, muscles, and all that stuff hanging on your buns. I've got an orthopod sailing buddy that explained it all; there's big bundles of nerves that pass through that area. Wallets, belts, or anything that binds that area up really messes w/this bundle of nerves. It's kinda like carpal tunnel; things get smashed, and it'll mess you up.

I ditched the wallet several years ago when I thought my sciatic nerve was shot; took a couple months to get it smoothed out, and now it's fine.

It's my other argument against tool belts; it's not healthy. 20 years of lugging carpenters aprons screwed me up enough; I don't need to continue w/inspection tool belts.

And Simon, you look like a wiener regardless.

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I've had a bad back since a car accident when I was 19 and an Army career and weight gain doesn't help matters, so I pack everything I need in my Veto Pro-Pac and then I carry it with me. I'll set it down when I enter a room, check things out and then unzip it and get what I need when I need it, without the stupid pockets chafing at my sides or the suspenders making my shoulders tired. Yeah, it's about 20 lbs fully loaded but I'm not constantly running back and forth to get crap. Works for me.



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I've been wearing a Skillers vest since I started (twill with the mesh back, for ventilation). I don't worry about the look. Looking like a bit of a character can actually work for you if you're comfortable with it. I haven't arrived at "less is more" yet, so I figure I can carry a tool bag or wear one. I carry a bag in, but I wear one as I work.

The Skillers are very good quality and they have a variety of models, but it's all about how the pockets fit with what you want to carry.

Brian G.

Weinnie-Looking Home Inspector [:-paperba

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Duluth trading has excellent vest suitable for inspection work. They have light weight or heavy for winter. They cost from 50 to eighty dollars. I have had one for 5 years, works great and at my age I doubt I will ever wear it out.

Paul B.


Originally posted by randynavarro

Just found this one.

https://www.duluthtrading.com/search/se ... _8&kw=vest

What the heck is someone carrying around all the time that would require a vest or tool belt?

Surefire, Protim. Meter, 10 in 1 screwdriver, 12' tape measure, telescoping mirror, 3-light tester

Too much for pants pockets, but just enough for a small pouch on a belt.

Its a physical thing for me. Sounds weird, but I think wearing my belt so much is rubbing and pinching nerves through my hips--my legs and hips ache when I wear my belt too much

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Hey Kurt, I did take up your suggestion. I picked up some cargo pants at Kmart today on sale for 9 bucks. They have deep deep regular pockets in front plus extra pockets down lower on the thigh with velcro flaps. The back pockets are good size too and they also have velcro flaps. I got the last pair that was there but Im gonna be gettin some more of em.

I weigh 180 soakin ringin wet. By the time I get all suited up and loaded down with all my tools Im gonna be pushin 220 and walkin with the big boys.

Heck, who needs steroids?

Brian, weiners rule!!!!

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I've only been doing this for four years, so I may be abit naive. Is there any reason to bring any of that equipment onto a roof, into an attic, or through the interior? I have my flashlight on my belt, and my three prong tester in my cargo pants pocket. Toolbag goes to the garage, the kitchen, then the mechanicals room. Am I missing something?

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