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Jerry Simon

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I've only had 1 inspection this entire week with nothing on the books. I've only even had 1 phone call all week and it was a price shopper. Good news is I'm hitting the gym everyday, getting lots of internet (music) shopping done, yard work and an afternoon nap. If it was not raining today, I'd go golfing.

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I'm taking a stream and river restoration course, learning a bunch of new words and concepts and meeting people waaayyy outside (outside means "wow, these people are smart") of my normal social and professional circles. Today we're building bendway weirs and imbricated riffles.

I almost didn't sign up because I thought I'd lose too much work but it turns out that nobody wanted me to work anyway.

So, here I am learning something that'll never make me money while I'm not making money. I'm pretty sure it's not a good financial plan.

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... So, here I am learning something that'll never make me money while I'm not making money. I'm pretty sure it's not a good financial plan.

Maybe. But where else are ya gonna be able to toss around the term imbricated riffles?

Good point. I've already decided to point out imbricated riffles on the next roof I discuss with a client. If anyone is brave and/or secure enough to ask what the hell I'm talking about, I'll explain that the riffles are quite common and are nothing to be concerned about.

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Home sales are plummeting here. Springville, the largest of the small communities around my home, has a population of just over 8000 and the home sales from January through April were 16, 12, 5, 2. Every small town for 30 miles in any direction has a similar pattern. Only the nicer zip codes in the Buffalo metro area are holding ground.

It's gonna get slower close to home.


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... So, here I am learning something that'll never make me money while I'm not making money. I'm pretty sure it's not a good financial plan.

Maybe. But where else are ya gonna be able to toss around the term imbricated riffles?
I'm going to order them with fruit compote and a side order of bendway weirs the next time I'm at IHOP.

OT - OF!!!


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I've been a fly fisherman for more than twenty five years and I can't say I've ever heard those terms used. Interesting.

Who's sponsoring this we can do it better than mother nature can, feat of engineering? T. U.?

Are you guys rehabing a trout stream? Please say yes.

Right now, I have plenty of time for fishing.

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The DEC just finished a major restoration on the Cattaraugus creek in Yorkshire, maybe 15 miles east of my place. They actually rerouted the creek for a year to rebuild the creek bed. The funny part is there is an old decommissioned hydroelectric dam down stream, so the only trout upstream are the ones they stock.

Fishing sounds good, I've got bait in the fridge right next to the beer.


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